Prepare the rosary

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 8 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to pray the Rosary step by step in ENGLISH VERSION
Video: How to pray the Rosary step by step in ENGLISH VERSION


The loosening up of the soil is especially important for the roses

Prepare the rosary

Before a rosary can be created, the soil must be prepared accordingly. Although roses are not particularly demanding in terms of soil, there are a few points to consider when preparing the rosary.

Which floor do roses like?

Roses grow quite well on most soils, but they prefer it

Test and adjust the pH

If you want to give your roses an optimal start, you should test the pH value of the soil before adjusting the rosary and adjust if necessary. Corresponding test strips can be purchased online or in the garden shop. The pH should be between 6 and 7.
If the soil is too basic, you can mix chopped coniferous wood mixed with horn shavings under the soil. If you still have time to plant the bed, you can also raise peat under the ground. Then the bed should rest for a few weeks.

Create a loose floor

Roses are deeply rooted but are not the strongest. Therefore, you should help by loosening the soil well. For this purpose, you best mill the entire bed of roses at least 50cm deep. Alternatively, you can dig it up, which of course makes more work and takes longer.

Nutrient-rich soil

Roses are very sensitive to salts in the soil. Therefore, it is not recommended to enrich the soil with compost. Instead, mix well, nutrient-rich garden soil under the existing soil.

Roses do not grow on roses

Roses are heavy eaters and need a lot of nutrients. Therefore, they must be fertilized several times a year. In addition, roses can not be easily planted in a place where previously stood roses or other starvation such as cabbage plants.
In such a case, remove old rose bushes or plant remains of the Starkzehre and then dig out the area generously. Use this soil elsewhere and replace it with fresh, nutrient-rich garden soil.

Prepare the rosary step by step

With this knowledge you proceed as follows: