Rhubarb season - rich harvest for little effort

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 7 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Rhubarb Harvesting - Everything you need to know
Video: Rhubarb Harvesting - Everything you need to know


Rhubarb season - rich harvest for little effort

At the beginning of April rhubarb rings in as one of the first crops of the harvest season. Until then, the fruity-sourish vegetables have demanded little care. It also does not intend to start now. The season is so short anyway.

Smooth rods give the signal for the beginning of the season

A firmly cemented date for the beginning of the rhubarb season, of course, does not exist. In this regard, the weather has a say. If the coveted rhubarb stalks are no longer curled, but are beautifully smooth, the harvest can begin.

Why does rhubarb only have three months of season?

The start-up period until the first harvest is one to two years for rhubarb. Once the plant has established itself in the bed, it lays the botanical turbo. After a hibernation without any problems, rhubarb will be harvesting stems from April onwards.

From now on it's going to blow you up. Anyone who has planted enough rhubarb can now harvest continuously until June 24th, the St. John's Day. On this date, the harvest ends for the following reasons:

After the seventh season is over

A healthy rhubarb plant usually has life force for eight to ten years. Experienced hobby gardeners do not irritate this period to the last. It is wise to now divide the stick and re-plant the segments elsewhere.

A crop rotation of five years is obligatory for rhubarb. So long he should not be cultivated in a bed that already housed its genus. However, if the rhubarb mosaic disease occurs during a season, the cultivation break amounts to seven years.

Tips & Tricks

If you finish the first season in the second year already in the middle of May, you will be rewarded for this careful preservation of rhubarb. The still-growing plant can recover longer and develop a stable vitality for many rich crops.