Pests in the lawn - recognize and distribute

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 3 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Treat For Bugs In The Lawn :: Liquid and Granular Options
Video: How To Treat For Bugs In The Lawn :: Liquid and Granular Options


Pests in the lawn - recognize and distribute

Some pests can be very bad for the lawn. Only an effective fight helps here, so that the ornamental lawn retains its dense green surface. How to identify the pests and what to do about them.

Common lawn pests


Ant infestation can be seen at the nests, which are noticeable as small sand hills in the lawn. Pick up the nests with a spade and move them to a place where they do not bother.


Mole piles on the grass are very annoying, especially if they drag over the whole area. Moles are protected. You must not eliminate them in any case. Therefore, try to drive away the noise and odor-sensitive earth diggers. Have a children's party on the lawn with many feet on it. Some garden owners swear by sour milk, which they pour out in the corridors of the mole.

Garden chafer

They are among the biggest pests of the lawn. Their grubs eat the roots of the grasses and can destroy entire lawns in case of heavy infestation. At the latest, when an extraordinary number of birds on the lawn pecking for food, you should be attentive and look for the one to five centimeters long whitish Engerlingen. Sometimes a profound work with the scarifier helps. However, you have to seize parts of the lawn afterwards. A non-toxic solution is the application of nematodes.

Other grubs

Other grubs do not appear that often. With heavy infestation, it is often only necessary to rebuild the lawn after the grubs have been removed profoundly. Again, nematodes can be used.

Nematodes as non-toxic pest control

A nontoxic way to fight grubs in the lawn are nematodes. These are certain roundworms that are spread on the affected soil and consume the grubs from the inside. It is important to use only the nematode species that attack the parasitic species present in the lawn. Let us advise you in the garden trade.

Tips & Tricks

Prevention is hardly possible against most pests. Strengthen the grasses, so they do not mind pest infestation. Regular fertilizer application, scarifying and proper watering ensure a robust lawn.