Plant the morning glories at suitable places in the garden

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Morning Glories 🌺 Tips & Tricks
Video: Morning Glories 🌺 Tips & Tricks


The morning glory should not be put into a sunny spot until it gets warmer outside

Plant the morning glories at suitable places in the garden

The relatively short-lived and from Mexico originating Morning Glory is cultivated in this country usually only as one-year climbing plant in the garden or on the balcony. Nevertheless, the available in many flower colors plant enjoys an awesome popularity, since it can be easily pulled out of seeds.

Early article Prefer the morning glory in the house Next article The Morning Glory in the Garden: The perfect care for healthy plants

What should be considered when planting the morning glory?

Since the thin tendrils of the morning glory are not very tear-resistant, the preferred young plants should ideally be planted with a compostable sowing pot or at least with a carefully excavated soil around the roots in the garden. The non hardy morning glory grows quickly under suitable conditions and can enhance unsightly spots in the garden with their beautiful funnel flowers.

Which location prefer the morning glory?

The morning glory grows particularly strong and floriferous in sunny places. Since a lot of water evaporates through the leaves, the water requirement of the plants increases in line with sunshine and temperature. If you do not need to water constantly, you should try to make sure that the lowest part of the plants with the earth around the roots is in the shade. This can be done with suitable ground cover or on a balcony well. The ideal garden location should also have some wind protection.

When can the morning glory be sown and when out in the field be planted?

The seeds of the morning glory should be brought forward from the end of March and until the beginning of April on the windowsill, so that at the end of May strong plants are available for the planned locations in the garden.

Is it worth the advance of the morning glory in the house?

Preferred plants of the morning glory have the advantage that they can start right from the end of May in the garden and thus fulfill their function as blinds and blossom tower on a trellis more quickly.

How is the morning glory increased?

The morning glory is pulled from seeds, but here is to note:

When is the heyday of the morning glory?

The morning glory usually blooms from June to autumn, whereby individual flowers may have died after just one day.

Which substrate is suitable for the morning glory?

Although the morning glory does not like waterlogging, it should not dry out. Therefore, ideally a somewhat loamy substrate should be chosen so that it does not have to be poured daily.


When planting the morning glory, no specific minimum distance is required. It can even be appealing to let plants with different flower colors entwine on a trellis or net.