Oleander thrilled with long flowering time

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Oleander Time
Video: Oleander Time


Oleander often blooms already in May

Oleander thrilled with long flowering time

All around the Mediterranean, wild oleanders are not uncommon in wet and regularly flooded river floodplains. The lush, vigorous shrubs with their rich flowers are wonderful to look at, which is why they are also cultivated in this country - but mostly in the bucket, because oleanders are not reliably hardy. In addition to the beautiful flowers in many colors of the flowering shrubs but also inspired by its very long flowering.

Oleander blooms into the autumn

From early summer to autumn, the oleander blooms tirelessly. Its mostly red, white, pink or yellow flowers show up between June and September; and the luscious the better the oleander is cared for. As a star collector, the plant needs a lot of nutrients, especially during the flowering season, and should therefore be supplied with a good flowering plant fertilizer once or twice a week. Also important for a rich flowering is a sufficient water supply, because the oleander needs a lot of the precious wet.

Do not cut off the blooms

Although it makes sense in many flowering plants to remove faded shoots and thus encourage the development of new flowers, but not in the oleander. Here, the plants of the coming new flowers sit at the top of the old, used up - which is why you would bring yourself a renewed flowering if you cut off the blooms. Instead, leave the old flowers on the bush, they will dry up after a while and fall off by itself.


If the oleander does not want to bloom, this could be due to the location: oleanders like it warm, sunny and sheltered from the wind. If it is too cold for them, the flower will fail. After clearing from the winter quarters, encourage flowering by pouring the oleander with lukewarm water.