In the world of primrose plants - an insight

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Jane Harrison Memorial Lecture - Prof Ruth Padel - ’Hormones, Divinity, Forest’
Video: The Jane Harrison Memorial Lecture - Prof Ruth Padel - ’Hormones, Divinity, Forest’


Primrose plants are slightly toxic and can cause skin irritation

In the world of primrose plants - an insight

For their early flowering, their wealth of facets, but also for their poison potential they are known among professionals - the primrose family. So that you too know in the future, what the speech is about, when the term primrose family falls, here their peculiarities summarized.

More than 2500 species worldwide

In the world there are 58 genera and about 2590 species that belong to the family of primrose plants. That's quite a lot! There are at least 10 genera and 10 species native to Central Europe. The other representatives are from the northern hemisphere to the tropics.

Primrose family are the first

The primrose plants, which are botanically called Primulaceae and belong to the order of the heather-type, show with their name one of their most important characteristics. 'Primula' derives from Latin and translates into German, the first '. This refers to the early flowering period.

Annual or longer-lasting plants

The primrose plants are annual or perennial herbs or woody plants such as shrubs, shrubs, trees and lianas. With the help of their rhizomes or tubers they survive in the soil. As a rule, they are extremely cold-tolerant. Not without reason they are common among others in high mountains and the Arctic.

Outward key features that unite all

In most primrose species, the leaves are fused to a basal rosette. In the least species, the leaves are alternating or opposite to the stem. They are simply structured, smooth-edged or serrated. Leaflets are not.

The flowers are the main reason of the popularity of these plants. You:

Primrose Family: poisonous, curative and ornamental

Primrose plants produce a gland secretion called Primin. It is toxic and known to cause skin irritation. The saponins in the primrose plants, however, are known for their healing properties. Furthermore, many primrose plants are important as ornamental plants.

Tips & Tricks

Among the most popular and proven primrose plants for the garden and the pot include goblet primroses and pillow primroses.