The optimal care for the magnificent candle in the garden

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 21 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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The magnificent candle does not need much water

The optimal care for the magnificent candle in the garden

The flowering gladiolus (Gaura lindheimeri) grows every year to the impressive height of about one meter zoom. With a little care, most species of this perennial herb known as prairie candle can enrich the garden with its flowers for several years in a row.

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How often does the magnificent candle have to be cast?

In order for the magnificent candle to be able to optimally develop its perennial blooms in summer, it should be planted in the garden in as full a sun as possible. Shorter dry phases are usually much easier to survive the magnificent candle than a stunned location. As soon as the upper layer of soil in the perennial flowering area feels crumbly and dry during prolonged periods of drought, watering should take place in the morning or evening hours.

When is the best time to repot?

Since the magnificent candles can not be repotted during the flowering season in the summer, you should do this already in February or March. Make sure to provide the substrate with a drainage of gravel and sand. So you also prevent potted plants from the risk of waterlogging and root rot.

When and how will the magnificent candle be cut?

While some gardeners propagate a pruning of the dead plant parts only in the spring, most of them pruning directly after flowering in autumn. In this way, overwintering buds can be formed, and in the event of successful wintering, the magnificent candle is even more widely branched out in the new growing season.

Which factors lead to deficiency symptoms of the magnificent candle?

The magnificent candle is usually not very susceptible to pests or diseases. Few flowers, however, form when the plants are positioned too shady in the garden. Further deficiency symptoms and growth of stumps are mostly due to root rot due to waterlogging at the roots of this sun-loving steppe plant.

Should the magnificent candle be fertilized?

In the field, except for a regular administration of deposited compost to the soil in Staudenbeet no special fertilization for the magnificent candle is necessary. For specimens in the bucket you can mix some liquid fertilizer into the irrigation water every four to six weeks.

How is the superb candle wintered optimally?

Since the magnificent candle is only partially hardy with a pruning in autumn, it should be wintered in exposed locations under the following conditions:


Even frozen specimens of the magnificent candle in the garden can provide a renewed sea of ​​flowers in the garden in the following year, if you cut back the foliage a little later in the fall and so allow a self-sowing