Sow delicious and healthy pickle salad yourself

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
8 Healthy Salad Dressings (REALLY QUICK)
Video: 8 Healthy Salad Dressings (REALLY QUICK)


Sow delicious and healthy pickle salad yourself

For smaller households in particular, pickling salad can offer advantages over lettuce, since it can be harvested in better determinable quantities and consumed fresh. If you opt for a staggered sowing of pickle salad every four weeks from about March, you can harvest it throughout the summer and autumn.

Previous article The different varieties of the pickle salad Next article With little care harvest delicious pickle salad from your own garden

The selection of the right variety

Pickle salad is now available in various varieties that have not only color but also taste differences. Therefore, you should pay attention to the personal nutritional taste already in the selection of the seed. The most popular varieties of pickle salad in the shops and garden beds in this country are:

Prepare the sowing

Usually, pickle salad is not sown directly in the field or in the balcony box, but initially preferred in trays and pots from the end of February. This is also due to the fact that pickle salad is very sensitive to night frosts and therefore can not be grown outdoors until around mid-May. As sowing substrate for the nursery shells either special cultivation soil or own garden humus should be used, since potting soil is usually enriched with artificial fertilizers.

Pick salad is one of the light germs

Very important for the germination phase of the pickle salad is a fact common to almost all types of lettuce in the world. Since these vegetables are light germs, seeds should not be covered with soil for optimal germination. In order to facilitate the production of a uniform moisture balance around the seed, but it can be covered thinly with translucent sand grains.

Keep distance between plants

When it comes to germination of the seeds after about one to two weeks, the plantlets first need plenty of sunlight and a constant water supply. After about two weeks they can be pikiert in the bed or in the balcony box. Even though pickle lettuce does not form heads, care should be taken to ensure a minimum viability of between five to ten centimeters between plants.

Tips & Tricks

Always harvest single leaves from the pickle salad and leave the sturdy petals to stand. So the plant lives on and can be harvested constantly for several weeks.