Gardening tips for fruit trees: Realize the plum tree correctly

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 12 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Grow, Care and Harvesting Plum Trees in Backyard - growing fruits
Video: How To Grow, Care and Harvesting Plum Trees in Backyard - growing fruits


Gardening tips for fruit trees: Realize the plum tree correctly

Older fruit trees should change their location only in exceptional cases. Taking into account practical advice, a change of location is possible. Learn more about this procedure in this entry.

Early article Next article Diseases of the plum tree: recognize, treat, prevent

version 1

A good time to transplant is the early spring, as soon as the soil is frost-free. In principle, a large part of the roots should be preserved. Bent knuckles remove. After the change of location the plum tree gets a generous cut well. In addition, the removal of the flowers supports the rapid rooting process.


The plum tree has a main root deep into the ground. In the uppermost layers are smaller roots. The volume of the root ball is similar to the size of the treetop.

Variant 2

Alternatively, the conversion of larger plum trees can be done in winter. For this purpose, in the middle of summer, pierce a broad ditch around the root ball. In the next step you loosen the entire bale easily. Then the ditch is filled with hay or leaves.


The plum tree needs a lot of water from this point on. He must not dry out. Regular watering is recommended until the fall of leaves.

As soon as the garden floor is frozen in winter, lift out the tree and root ball. It is advantageous if a planting hole is excavated at the future location in summer as well. For the winter transport of the tree the following methods are suitable:


Before inserting the tree, lightly soil the bottom of the plant hole. After thawing, the root ball loses volume slightly. At the new location, however, the former planting height should be maintained.

For this purpose, store some garden soil in the basement before the frost. Furthermore, this earth is used for filling the plant hole. Finally, a layer of mulch protects the tree disc. Ideally, dried grass is used. Also in this variant, a pruning is recommended. Flowers are removed in the following growing season.

Pour properly

During the first warm season, the rooting is in the foreground. Support your Prunus domestica with rainwater. The tree disc should always be kept moist. During longer periods of drought pour more frequently.

Tips & Tricks

A semolina ring can be helpful during transplanting. Similar to young plum trees, it ensures constant irrigation of the root ball. The rooting process is accelerating.