The pipe shrub: Decorative shrub without care

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Evergreen Shrubs and Bushes for Your Garden 🪴
Video: 10 Evergreen Shrubs and Bushes for Your Garden 🪴


The pipe shrub is a very easy-care ornamental wood

The pipe shrub: Decorative shrub without care

The pipe shrub, also known as false jasmine or peasant jasmine, is a native shrub that needs virtually no care. Only in the first years you should cultivate the not always non-toxic shrub so that it grows well at its location.

How must the pipe shrub be poured?

In the early years, the pipe shrub should be watered more often, so that the earth never completely dries out. Waterlogging must be avoided.

Over the years, occasional watering is enough.

If the shrub has been in the same place for many years, it supplies itself.

Do pipefish need fertilizer regularly?

Pipe bushes like a slightly loamy, nutritious soil. They thrive on almost all soils that are not too sandy or too hard.

Before planting, mix some mature compost or horn shavings under the potting soil.

In the early years you can fertilize the shrub in the spring. Use fertilizer that contains little nitrogen. If there is too much nitrogen, the shrub develops many leaves but no flowers.

When do the ornamental shrubs have to be cut?

Basically, it is not necessary to cut pipe bushes. If cut, then immediately after flowering. This can be the shrub

become. To increase shoot tips can be cut as cuttings after flowering.

Which pests can occur?

Black aphids, especially the black bean louse, occasionally fall heavily over the pipe shrub.

Therefore, never plant the shrimp cap and the ordinary snowball in the vicinity of pipe bushes.

On the named shrubs the larvae of the black bean louse overwinter. In summer, they pass over to the pipe shrub and sometimes form a dense infestation there.

Which diseases are pipe shrubs suffering from?

Diseases almost never occur in the pipe shrub.

Is the pipe shrub hardy?

In contrast to the real jasmine the pipe shrub is completely hardy. It can do without winter protection, even when temperatures fall to -30 degrees.


The pipe shrub thrives in the sun and partial shade. The ornamental shrub is so robust that it occasionally even grows among walnut trees, under which hardly any other plant has a chance.