Multiply blackberries yourself

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Multiply Your Blackberry Plants for FREE
Video: Multiply Your Blackberry Plants for FREE


Multiply blackberries yourself

Wild blackberries in the forest and on fallow land often settle on their own and multiply completely without human intervention. The creeping plants with their sweet, black fruits can also be increased in the garden relatively easily.

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Beware of wild blackberries

Due to the rapid spread and the aromatic fruits some hobby gardeners are trying to locate wild blackberry plants on suitable areas in the garden. However, you should think twice about such a project. Once the roots of the wild blackberry plants have grown through the soil in one location for a year or two, later removal is only possible with relatively great effort. Since wild blackberries multiply even over the roots and over sinkers, the usual limitation of bamboo with grids or curbs would not be successful.

Increase the yield of blackberry in the garden

The blackberry varieties bred for the garden usually do not multiply as much as their wild relatives. Nevertheless, it can sometimes come to the formation of underground Wurzelausläufer, which can be tapped if necessary with enough roots and replanted in another location. Overall, the following types of propagation are available for blackberries:

The sowing and the Abmoosen are basically also possible with blackberries, but due to the high expenditure and a larger time requirement no practical meaning.

The propagation through cuttings

If you want to multiply blackberries from cuttings, this has the advantage that the rooted young plant already has a certain size and can thus also yield faster. Ideally, one year old rods of the blackberry plant are used. But you can also use the harvested rods, which they cut off in the fall anyway near the ground. Divide the blackberry slices so that there are always three to four pairs of leaves on each piece. Then remove the bottom two and insert the cuttings deep into a loosely grown substrate. You can first put several cuttings in a pot, this should keep you evenly wet in the episode. In the following year, the young blackberry plants are isolated and planted in the field in the autumn.

Increase blackberries by lowering

A method for the proliferation of blackberries with little effort is the formation of Absenkern dar. Ideally, in April long tendrils of blackberry plant pressed about 30 to 50 centimeters below the shoot tip to the ground and weighted with some soil and a stone or piece of wood. These sinkers should then usually form roots until autumn and can be separated from the mother plant.

Tips & Tricks

Please note that the propagation of protected cultivars from specialist retailers is only permitted for their own use.