Pull parsley on balcony or windowsill

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 4 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Overwinter Parsley in Containers 🌿 Balconia Garden
Video: How To Overwinter Parsley in Containers 🌿 Balconia Garden


Pull parsley on balcony or windowsill

You do not need a garden to harvest fresh parsley. Simply pull the popular herbs on the balcony or in the pot on the windowsill. If you pay attention to a few things, you can even get fresh cabbage in winter.

Windowsill or balcony? What is better?

If you have the chance, plant parsley in the balcony box and place it in a partially shaded spot on the balcony.

In the box, the plant is better supplied with nutrients than in the pot. In addition, the water requirement can be regulated well and avoid waterlogging.

Buy early plants

In the supermarket you get for little money early parsley pots. However, these are intended for immediate consumption only. Planting these parsley plants in a balcony box will, in most cases, be disappointing because they will be absorbed in a short time.

Sow parsley for balcony or windowsill. Again, there are disappointments, but when the seed rises, you get much stronger plants.

You can buy early parsley for the balcony directly from the garden shop. There you get particularly strong plants that produce many leaves.

Grooming parsley on the balcony

Partial shade Avoid direct sunlight. Once a month, re-fertilize. Water regularly

If you are pulling parsley on the windowsill, make sure the pots have large drain holes to drain excess water.

Do not place the parsley in the south or west window directly behind the glass. She gets too much sun there and burns.

So you harvest parsley properly

From a strong parsley plant you can constantly harvest fresh leaves.

Cut the stems close to the ground and do not just pluck the leaves.

You must never cut the heart of parsley, which you can recognize by its thicker stems and leaves that develop on them. Without heart leaves, the plant enters.

Tips & Tricks

To harvest parsley from the garden in winter, just dig up some plants in the fall and put them in a pot. Set it cool but frost-free and be careful with the pouring.
