Peppers on the balcony - plant properly and enjoy hot

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 13 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Poster Child (Official Music Video)


Peppers on the balcony - plant properly and enjoy hot

Who wants to have fresh green on the balcony and likes to eat peppers, can fulfill both wishes. Simply plant peppers on the balcony. It's worth it for anyone who wants to enjoy devilishly spicy or heavenly mild pods.

Location balcony - this is what pepper plants want

Peppers need a lot of heat and light. To grow on the balcony and fully unfold their aroma, they should be placed on a southern wall of the house. This protects against wind and radiates additional heat.

When is the best planting time on the balcony?

As soon as the temperatures do not fall below five degrees, you can plant peppers on the balcony. If there is a risk of frost, bring the plants into the house and safely overwinter or coat with protective foil.

The right planter for sweet peppers

Whether pot, bucket or box - peppers need a lot of space. The perfect planter for balcony peppers should not be too small. Both sufficient planting distance between the individual peppers and sufficient root depth must be taken into account.

Pepper seeds or young plants?

Try both. Before you throw the seeds out of a pepper, you can pull them directly in the pot itself. If, after 2 to 3 weeks, the first leaves sprout, you have saved the money for young plants from the nursery. Or you plant both the seeds and young plants and collect valuable experience in planting different types of peppers on the balcony.

The pepper seeds must still be moist so that they germinate in the pot. Therefore, immediately after removing from the pod press one centimeter deep into the moist soil. It takes a few weeks for the young plants to develop. Simply plant purchased paprika plantlets directly after sowing with seed soil into the planter.

Peppers on the balcony are especially thirsty

In summer, daily watering is mandatory. Always check the soil in the container for sufficient moisture and ensure that no waterlogging occurs.

Peppers on the balcony - so they are cared for

Once the plants shoot up, stabilize with a bamboo stick. Do not fertilize too much at once in the planter. Less is more!

Tips & Tricks

When the first fruits shimmer slightly shining, is harvest time. The early harvest of the first green pepper stimulates the growth of new fruits!