The features of the most important wild rose species

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Wild Rose Medicine
Video: Wild Rose Medicine


There are also yellow blooming wild rose varieties like the gold rose

The features of the most important wild rose species

Only in the northern hemisphere of the earth are wild roses found. They stand out in contrast to cultivated Edelrosen-, shrub roses etc. by their robustness, unpretentiousness and contentment in the care. What types are there and what do they look like?

The potato rose (Rosa rugosa)

The origin of this wild rose species in Asia. It has numerous spines on the shoots and the undersides of the leaves. Their flowers are white to pink colored. Of other wild rose species, this specimen stands out above all by its strong growth. With him, she becomes a fast-awake hedge.

Also very characteristic of this wild rose species are the rosehip fruits. They are well differentiated from those of other species. They are much larger and not ovate-oblong, but rounded and flattened at the ends.

The vinegar rose (pink gallica)

This wild rose species also has its origins in Asia, but is now widespread throughout Europe. Their name goes back to the fact that it was formerly used for the production of rose vinegar, among others by the Romans.

Noteworthy in this wild rose are the strong floral scent, the close succession of spines on the shoots and the striking flower color. The flowers are bright magenta. The flower color turns into a white toward the middle.

The dog-rose (pink canina)

In Germany, the dog rose is the most common. She especially likes to settle on roadsides and hedgerows. The growth pattern is typically shrubby and the plant forms its flowers on two-year old wood. The flowers are pink and the shoots exceedingly long and pliable.

The gold rose (pink hugonis)

The gold rose comes from Asia and has pale yellow flowers. Their flowers and leaves are smaller than those of other species. In addition, their flowering starts comparatively early. In most cases you can find them in mountainous regions.

Other interesting species

Here are further wild rose species, all of which together have a boggy overhanging growth:


There are even creeping to climbing wild roses such as the field rose (Rosa arvensis), which produces white flowers.