For years, magnificent peonies - with this care!

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
Peonies | Growing Tips & FAQ: Garden Home VLOG (2019) 4K
Video: Peonies | Growing Tips & FAQ: Garden Home VLOG (2019) 4K


The better the care the better the peonies

For years, magnificent peonies - with this care!

Depending on the variety, their flowers are large, brightly colored and densely filled or exposed. Peonies are popular because of their appealing flowers. But only with proper care will the culture be promising.

Early article Next article Fertilize Peonies: How often, when, with what and how?

How often are peonies fertilized?

If you fertilize your peonies twice a year, that's enough. For the first time, they are fertilized during the shoot approximately between March and April. The second fertilization should take place immediately after flowering, ie towards the end of June.

Which fertilizers are suitable?

Fertilizers should generally be prepared using agents that are less nitrogen-based. Peonies need for a lush flowering flora especially potassium and a portion of phosphorus. Organic fertilizers such as compost, horn chips or horn meal are best suited. Be sure to carefully work the fertilizer into the soil as the roots of the peonies are close to the surface.

How and when do you cut peonies?

Perennial peonies should be cut back to just above the ground in autumn, when the shoots are yellow to brown. In addition, it is advisable to cut off the withered flowers in the summer directly after the flowering period. On the one hand, it saves energy for the plant. On the other hand, in the flowers like mushrooms, which can otherwise spread to the entire plant.

How are the shrub peonies cut?

Shrub peonies are cut differently than perennial peonies. They do not have to be cut at all. It is more like a can. If you want to cut a shrub peony, do so in late autumn. Cut the shoots down to the first bud!

Do peonies have to be poured?

The casting is very straightforward:

Which pests and diseases can occur?

The following pests and diseases can attack peonies:

How do you protect the plants in winter?

Peonies are hardy. Only when freshly planted should they be protected in winter. As winter protection brushwood is suitable. Attention: Do not fertilize your shrub peonies too late! Otherwise, the shoots can not mature properly. It is also important to remove the winter protection before budding again.


Unlike other perennials, it is not necessary to regularly divide the peonies. On the contrary, the peonies are very bad at digging up and restoring them.