Flowering shrubs as a decorative blind in the garden

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 4 September 2021
Update Date: 19 June 2024
Tips for Planting a Cottage Garden! 🌸🌿// Garden Answer
Video: Tips for Planting a Cottage Garden! 🌸🌿// Garden Answer


Forsythia is great for privacy

Flowering shrubs as a decorative blind in the garden

Many property borders made of classic hedge plants appear visually fast as impenetrable, green walls with an accurate cut. If you prefer a slightly more natural and less austere look in your garden, you can plant colorful shrubs with different flowering times as a flowering screen.

Plan blooming hedges of shrubs from different points of view

There are a variety of different plant species that have proven with their winter hardiness and shrub-like growth as solitary and hedge plants in the garden. When planning a flowering shrub hedge, however, the following factors must be taken into account so that after work is done, there are no surprises and tedious transplanting actions:

If different fast growing and high shrubs are cut back to a certain height anyway with the years, the factor growth height in the plant selection is given less attention than if the flowering sight protection hedge should take more natural forms. Important factors are flowering time, ecological added value and the scent of certain plant species.

The selection of suitable shrubs

In principle, plant species with rather pastel-colored, light-colored flowers are preferred for a flowering screen. Intense, dark reds as in the flowers of some Weigelienarten set indeed quite interesting accents, can be felt in a hedgerow but also as a disturbing factor. Many garden owners also prefer the following species when planting tall shrubs as privacy screens, as they bring colorful shrubs into an otherwise largely bare garden as early as spring.

Even earlier, shrubs such as the winter snowball, the witch hazel or the cornelian cherry are already blooming before the new leaves are released. The latter already offers a rich selection of pollen for the bees and their newly created brood on exceptionally warm late winter days. Scent-tailed cherry, butterfly lilac and various types of jasmine exude during their flowering a beguiling scent, which can be perceived by some people, however, as penetrating.

Better not arrange hedges of flowering shrubs in a straight line

Some flowering screens, such as forsythia, can indeed be shaped in the same way as a privet or beech hedge over the years and several sections. A hedgehog of flowering shrubs is more aesthetically pleasing, but mostly if the naturally round growth habit of the shrubs is already taken into account during planting. While natural hedgerows from classic hedge plants such as cypress and cherry orchards are usually planted in a straight line, flowering hedges from different shrubs benefit from a slightly offset planting, in which different flowering times and color spectrums are even better. However, you should plan the additional lateral space requirements, as flowering shrubs occupy a little more space than columnar-like hedge plants.

Quietly cut back colorful shrubs in the garden

As soon as the flowering shrubs in the garden have reached the desired height, they do not need much care except occasional fertilizer and watering. However, they should not underestimate the vigor of a sight protection hedge made of tall shrubs: older specimens of forsythia can form new shoots with growth of up to 1 m once or twice a year. So you can grab the hedge trimmers in the spring and autumn and be quite courageous when pruning.


If you integrate fruit trees such as the pear pear or elderberry into your flowering sight protection hedge, you will not only benefit from the wealth of flowers but also from a rich harvest of vitamin-rich berries.