Plant profitable chili professionally

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Chilli Farming/Chilli Cultivation | Chilli Planting Method - Most Valuable Cash Crop (Hot Pepper)
Video: Chilli Farming/Chilli Cultivation | Chilli Planting Method - Most Valuable Cash Crop (Hot Pepper)


Chilli plants need a sunny spot

Plant profitable chili professionally

The primary goal of a chili culture is the rich harvest of aromatic pods with spicy pep. The way there paves a clear guide, without any technical jargon. Here you will get to know the central aspects of plants and care in a practical way.

Is every variety of chili suitable for cultivation in the home garden?

Among the more than 30 species, 5 candidates proved to be suitable for growing in the garden, on the balcony and in the greenhouse:

Capsicum baccatum and Capsicum pubescens still maintain the status of a rarity. In terms of their claims, they are still at eye level with the three top dogs.

When should the preferred start?

To reap in late summer or fall, early seed is important. Sow the seeds under glass in February or March. In seeding substrate at 25 to 28 degrees, germination begins within 10 to 30 days.

The lower the temperature, the longer the breeding takes place. We therefore recommend a heatable mini-greenhouse that creates a moist, warm microclimate.

Which location do the Chilipflanzen prefer?

As a tropical plant, chili is one of the typical sun worshipers. Once the cotyledons show up, the following site conditions are recommended:

In the midday sun, flowers, leaves and pods should be protected by shading. This premise applies to a location under glass as well as under the open sky.

At what point are early chili peppers repotted?

Seeds initially push out 2 cotyledons when they germinate. Over it develop in the following weeks several genuine pairs of sheets. At the same time, the young plants move closer together in the growing vessel. At the latest when the leaves touch constantly, they are repotted.

How should the substrate be?

Commercial sowing and vegetable soil meets all important requirements. Experienced Freizeitgärtnerfavorisieren asSubstrathingegenge own mix:

Plant chili in the bed at the right time

By hand, prefabricated or ready-bought Chilipflanzen may from mid-May on the balcony or in the bed. Experience shows that no late frosts are to be feared at this time. If you want to play it safe, wait until after the sheep's cold.

The central factors of care are the following: regular casting and 14-day fertilization.

At what distance are chilies to be planted?

Depending on the variety, chilli plants develop a more or less pronounced habit. With an average plant distance of 50 centimeters, you avoid the danger of crowdedness in the bed.

Which neighboring plants are suitable - which not?

Chilli blends perfectly with herbs such as basil, thyme or lemon balm. As neighbors are less suitable all other nightshade plants, such as tomatoes, potatoes or eggplant.

May green chili be harvested?

Chili peppers do not ripen after harvesting. It is therefore not recommended to pick them in the green state. Ideally, wait a few days after the color change and then go to harvest.

Multiply by self-harvested seeds

At the same time, the harvest supplies abundant material for propagation in the form of seeds.

Lay out on kitchen paper, dry the seeds quickly. For storage we recommend dark screwed glasses with inscription.


Chilli plants will grow better if the beet has been pre-heated with black mulch foil over a period of 14 days.