So the slipper flower trumps in the pot and summer flowerbed

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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The slipper flower brings bright splashes of color on the balcony and in the bed

So the slipper flower trumps in the pot and summer flowerbed

The exotic slipper flower owes its name to its bright yellow, striking flowers. As charming indoor plants, opulent Calceolaria hybrids have taken our hearts by storm. New varieties thrive in the bed and on the balcony. Explore all important aspects of successful cultivation based on well-founded answers to common questions.

Plant slipper flower properly

Do not plant the garden slipper flower until the ice saints say goodbye in mid-May. Choose a place in lime-free, humic soil in the partially shaded, humid and rather cool location. Soak the potted root ball in lime-free water in the forerunner until no more air bubbles rise. Meanwhile, at a distance of 20-30 cm, you can pick out spacious planting holes to enrich the soil with foliage compost, horn shavings or peat soil. Now insert the flowers so deeply that the substrate reaches just below the bottom pair of leaves. Finally, pour in soft water and spread a layer of mulch.
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care Tips

The pivotal point of a successful cultivation of slipper flowers is the choice of location. If all relevant framework conditions are met here, the care program is limited to the following points:

Wilted flower stems are regularly plastered for a month-long flowering period. Shortly before the end of one-year room Calceolaria harvest the seeds or remove cuttings for propagation. If you have a wintering for the garden slipper flower, cut the plant back by a maximum of two-thirds and put it in the dark, cool cellar. Until the next spring, you will pour little and do not give fertilizer. In April you pot the winter plant and gradually get used to more light and higher temperatures.
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Which location is suitable?

All Calceolaria species prefer a bright, not sunny spot with temperatures between 16 and 18 degrees Celsius. Even under ideal light conditions, the delicate beauties can not stand a cold draft, bad indoor air and certainly no tobacco smoke. The exotic plants on the north window, on the partially shaded to shady balcony and in the dimly lit, cool bed feel best.
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Which soil does the plant need?

The slipper flower likes to stretch its tender roots in humus, well-drained and primarily lime-free soil. In order to meet these requirements in the room and pot culture, we recommend the use of Moorbeeterde as a substrate. Those who like to mix themselves, gives to 1 part garden soil and 1 part unit or azalea earth, 2 parts of foliage compost and some lava granules.
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When is flowering time?

The lush Calceolaria hybrids for the room culture delight us with a wintry flowering period from January to May. After that, the plants die off. In contrast, the garden slipper flower (Calceolaria integrifolia) or the two-flowered slipper flower (Calceolaria biflora) from June to August / September in the bed and on the balcony in scene. For the tropical flowers to last over this long time, trim withered flower stems promptly until just above the next bud.
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Cut slipper flower correctly

A one-year-old slipper flower brushes regularly to make room for new flowers. Place the sharp, disinfected scissors just above the nearest bud. If hibernation is on the schedule, cut back vigorously by half to two-thirds before adding. In addition, no cutting measures are required.
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Pour slipper flower

During the growing and flowering season, water the slipper flower evenly with soft water. Be sure to avoid overhead sprinkling so the delicate flowers will not be damaged. The distinctive flowers are immensely grateful for a super-fine mist with filtered rainwater.
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Fertilize slipper flower properly

In the pot and flower box, the nutrient supplies are rapidly consumed. Fertilize the slipper flower during its growth and flowering period every 8-10 days with a liquid, low-calcium preparation. In the bed, the exotic grace takes a portion of foliage compost with horn shavings every 14 days.
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At home in the sunlit regions of South America, a slipper flower lacks all winter hardiness. As a result, the majority of the exotic plant in our regions is cultivated on an annual basis, especially as it is relatively inexpensive to purchase. Robust species, such as the garden slipper flower (Calceolaria integrifolia), however, have the potential of hibernation. Place the cut plants in the bright, cool cellar. Pour occasionally, without fertilizer.
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Slipper flower multiply

At the end of its heyday, the slipper flower presents us with small capsule fruits stuffed with fine seeds. Between December and February, the harvested seed can be sown. Do not cover the light germs with substrate and ideally place the seed containers in the heated greenhouse. At a constant 18 degrees Celsius, keep the soil constantly slightly damp. Following germination, the temperature is lowered to 12-14 degrees Celsius. Pike the strongest seedlings into individual pots if they have at least 2 pairs of leaves. Of course, we can not look forward to a first flower of seedling-propagated slipper flowers until the following year.

Uncomplicated manages to propagate using cuttings.For this purpose, cut 5-7 cm short, non-flowering shoots during flowering and defoliate them in the lower part. In small pots with a lean substrate, cultivate the Calceolaria on the partially shaded windowsill at 14-18 degrees Celsius.
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Slipper flower in the pot

On the flower bench from the north or west window, the tropical slipper flower conjures up a radiant blossom in the midst of the cold season. The cultivation in the pot runs smoothly if you follow the following measures:

Thoroughly cleanse withered flower stems, so that the plant does not deal with the power-consuming seed growth. At the end of their heyday, the opulent Calceolaria breathe out their floral life and are disposed of.
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Is slipper flower poisonous?

With almost certain probability, the slipper flower is not poisonous. Since there are no scientifically founded findings in this regard, we still advise against the use of pretty flowers for decoration of food and drinks or a consumption.
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Beautiful varieties