Build an herb bed yourself?

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 4 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Herb Garden ideas diy - Herbal Beds (Raised Bed) build yourself | Build raised Herbal Beds -Tutorial
Video: Herb Garden ideas diy - Herbal Beds (Raised Bed) build yourself | Build raised Herbal Beds -Tutorial


A raised bed may e.g. be built from pallets

Build an herb bed yourself?

Doing it yourself is also great fun and money saving. Even with a herbal bed made of wood, it is recommended to become active yourself. We show you the benefits and provide you with useful tips.

Build an herb bed yourself - The benefits

In order to keep his own small spice and healing garden, a simple cultivation in the field does not always make sense. Especially if your garden does not provide a suitable space for it or you only have a balcony. In that case, it makes sense to make a box bed of wood itself. But also in order to segment herbs with different demands from each other, a framing with subdivisions makes sense. A raised bed also has special plant-related and handling advantages.

So what speaks for the self-building of a box herb bed:

The box bed in the field

If you have a suitable spot in the field for your herb bed, you can still structure it well with a wooden construction. It distinguishes the herbal culture to the outside and can take into account the vegetative properties of the planned herbs with separate inner boxes. Thus, for example, particularly propagation and growth-strong varieties such as lemon balm or peppermint something can be kept in check.

In addition, the individual box segments can be filled with different soil mixtures - for example, you can cultivate nutrient-requiring herbs such as parsley, lemon verbena or tarragon and varieties with a preference for lean soil such as thyme, rosemary or marjoram in a small space.

Of course, you can leave such a functional box bed as a low, freestanding construction and not sink into the field. Then it is a bit more conspicuous, but in case of doubt mobile for site experiments or hibernation.

The herb raised bed

With the free-standing box bed, we are not far from the raised bed - only that the raised bed is by name even higher and thus offers more benefits.

On the one hand, this results in a comfortable working height - in order to gain even more comfort, you can still attach lateral, all-round banking surfaces to your timber construction with cross supports or legs screwed down. For the care of the herb planting and the harvest, this can be very pleasant especially for older people.

On the other hand, you can put together a deeper substrate in a raised bed construction - in this respect, a herb raised bed is especially suitable for nutrient-requiring varieties such as chives, parsley, basil or lovage. With a herb raised bed made of wood you also give the plants a relatively temperature-resistant and breathing soil climate.

Build yourself - note size

For a walk-in box bed you should not exceed 1,20 m in width and length. Otherwise access becomes difficult. For the construction are about 40 cm high boards.

In the case of a high-herb bed, you can of course go further with the edge length - as long as the depth still allows you to reach the center-planted herbs. Again, the rule of thumb of a maximum of 1.20 m applies.