Create an herb bed in a small space

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 4 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Herb Spiral - Grow all of your herbs in a small space!
Video: Herb Spiral - Grow all of your herbs in a small space!


An herb bed does not need much space

Create an herb bed in a small space

You want to create a herbal bed, but do not have much space available? Or just want to grow a handful of herb varieties? How to best create a herb bed in a handy small format, read in this article.

A herbal bed - but not too big

Herbs enrich the kitchen immensely and are popular because of their healthy power. With your own herb bed you can be self-sufficient with some of the aromatic delights. However, if you can not stretch the plant too far due to lack of space, certain types of herbs can be skilfully arranged in a small space. Ways to cultivate a mini herbal bed include:

The alternatives to the outdoor bedding, especially on the balcony and terrace also have a beautiful decorative value.

Course organization - suitable types of herbs

Basically, a small herbal bed applies: to abstain from vigorous or space-intensive varieties such as lavender or lovage rather. Suitable herbs for the Minibeet are:

Location for the herb bed

For a small herbal bed in the open air you are looking for a sunlit location as possible - because the vast majority of herbal species need a lot of light, especially the Mediterranean herbs such as rosemary, thyme or oregano. Of course, the sun rule also applies to a minibeet on the balcony or the windowsill.

The substrate

With limited space, there is little room for different substrates - so you should opt for herbal combinations with similar demands on the soil. A humus-rich substrate is particularly suitable for classic culinary herbs such as chives, parsley, chervil or tarragon, which have a high nutrient requirement. Mediterranean herbs such as rosemary or thyme, on the other hand, prefer a lean soil.

Good neighborhood

In addition, you should pay particular attention in a small space to the compatibility of the closely adjacent types of herbs. In a small space, different character traits - as in the case of humans - are all the more noticeable. Do not put next to each other like:

good match: