In the aroma fever - ideas for the herb plant

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 4 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Never Use an Oven or Dehydrator to Dry Herbs Again With This Century Old Method
Video: Never Use an Oven or Dehydrator to Dry Herbs Again With This Century Old Method


The rock garden herb bed not only provides delicious herbs, it also looks visually beautiful

In the aroma fever - ideas for the herb plant

Creating a herbal bed is not only promising for the variety of kitchens, but also fun. There are many different options - we suggest a few classic to innovative options - let yourself be inspired!

Your design claim

For the herbal bed plant, you should first have your personal claim to garden aesthetics in mind. If you attach great importance to a harmonious, attractively designed oasis of well-being, a practical herb bed is of course nothing for you. If you are more concerned about the functional, namely clever growth conditions and high yield, you can focus on the practical.

Aesthetically sophisticated variants

Those who do not only enrich the kitchen with their herbal bed but also want to beautify the garden at the same time, are well served by the following facilities:

Classic herbal snail

It is the classic for Mediterranean herbs and combines aesthetics with horticultural planting skills. Because the upwardly rising, limited by fieldstone spiral offers especially southern herbs heat-giving growth conditions, while in their lower areas also varieties from northern climes flourish. A tip: A small pond at the foot of the spiral also allows the planting of moisture-loving herbs such as meadowsweet or valerian.

Freely designed stone herb garden

The herb snail is too conventional for you? Design your Mediterranean herb garden with freely laid natural stone walls simply according to your own ideas of form! For example, in a regular oval shape or in the backswing.

Herbal places embedded in the terrace plaster

If you create a new garden, you can save the laying of terraced plaster areas in which you put herbs - a truly beautiful sight!

Gabion raised bed

If you like modern chic, you can also create a herb raised bed with a gabion border.

planting rings

Practical and at the same time decorative: the upward-receding plant ring system. The advantage here is the heat-storing property of the stone rings and the resulting own Befungungsströge - so you need less to worry about the herb-neighborhood.

Practically oriented variants

If you are looking for high yield and meaningful composition, consider the following herbal bed ideas:

Simple raised bed

With a little manual skill, you can build a simple, rectangular raised bed made of wood planks. The practical advantage is obvious: The planting is easily accessible and can be supplied with a richly supported substrate.

Ground-level bed with separate boxes and paths

At ground level, a bed with recessed boxes and a geometrically clear network of paths can also be created - this facilitates care and harvesting.

Additional design ideas

The varied structure and color play of silvery, deep green to yellowish leaves are already very decorative in the herb bed - in addition, you can of course provide your bed with further embellishments. How about, for example, with pretty, homemade identification labels? Very appealing between the small-leaved green they make about massive signs made of wood with round Beschriftungstäfelchen and branded lettering.