Fight diseases and pests on peas successfully

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 20 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
THRIPS In Gardening - How To Identify,Prevent and Exterminate Them
Video: THRIPS In Gardening - How To Identify,Prevent and Exterminate Them


Fight diseases and pests on peas successfully

Conscientious care creates resistant pea plants. Nevertheless they are not completely immune to diseases and pests. Mushrooms, viruses and insects lurk throughout the season. A whole arsenal of biological control agents is available to hobby gardeners.

Early article Peas harvest at the right time for consummate enjoyment Next article Trestle for peas easy to build yourself

Prevent fungal infections on time

The most feared fungal disease in the home garden is the powdery mildew. Especially in nice, warm weather, the fungus spores beat. The damage is unmistakable:

Since a chemical fungicide has nothing to do with food plants, we recommend daily spraying with a milk solution. To do this, mix 1 part of fresh milk with 1 part of water. The lecithin in the milk destroys the spores permanently.

Pests bite the brow by natural means

The army of pest-targeted pests is led by the pea beetle. The 4 to 5 mm small, brownish beetle causes considerable damage to the harvest.

To prevent further spread of the pea beetle, place the infested plants in the freezer for a few days. Then the peas are disposed of with household waste - not on the compost.

Pea wrapper effectively expel

A moth of the ugly kind is the 8 mm small pea winder. The females lay their eggs on the flowers in May and June. The hatched larvae eat their way through the husk and nibble the seeds.

The larvae descend to the ground after 3 weeks of their nefarious activity. There they spend the winter in the soil. An infestation in the next season thus prevents the repeated, profound tillage sustainable before.

Tips & Tricks

In a natural garden, hosts of beneficials settle. Create refuge areas such as hedgerows, dry stone walls, piles of leaves and rotten tree trunks. Hedgehogs, birds, lacewings, ladybirds and other helpful animals are at your side for free in the fight against pests.