Pimp up a palm again - that's the way it works

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Pimp up a palm again - that's the way it works - Garden
Pimp up a palm again - that's the way it works - Garden


Caring palms can be nurtured with patience and sensitivity

Pimp up a palm again - that's the way it works

Unnoticed pest infestation, too much or too little poured and already it happened: The once so magnificent palm cares and threatens to enter. However, with good care and a bit of patience, it is quite possible to successfully rebuild the patient.


Palm trees are very sensitive to waterlogging. The root system begins to rot and the plant enters. If you have the suspicion that you meant it too well with the casting, you may still be able to save the plant with these measures:

In the future, only water when the upper centimeters of the earth feel dry. Immediately dump excess irrigation water in the saucer.

The plant is dried up

If the palm dies of thirst, it is often not the fault of casting, but a too small pot. If there is hardly any substrate in the planter, the palm can not absorb enough moisture on hot days and it dries up.

Here only helps immediate conversion into a larger vessel. Even if it does not look good, cut off only the completely dried fronds close to the trunk, as the foliage of the palm tree serves as an important nutrient reservoir.

Please do not over-fertilize or over-fertilize the plant, because they want to do well what has been missed - not much helps in this case. It is sufficient to keep the plant sufficiently moist but not too wet. Fertilization takes about six months, when the nutrient depot of the fresh substrate is used up.

Cause vermin infestation

Sucking insects such as lice or the tiny little spider mites can add so much to the palm that the plant is stunted. If there is no care error, you should proceed as follows:

If you find an infestation, you should immediately combat the pests with a suitable insecticide according to the package instructions.


The growth center of the palm is in the middle of the plant. If this is not lush green, but dry or brown, the palm is usually beyond saving.