Picturesque eye-catcher for rock garden, pebble bed and tub - the blue wing

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
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Due to its hardiness, the blue winged is ideal for permanent garden design

Picturesque eye-catcher for rock garden, pebble bed and tub - the blue wing

In the planting plan for the creative rock garden, the blue winged must not be missing. No other shrub harmonises better with the stone force of dry stone wall, rock steppe and pebble bed. The shimmering blue ornamental grass also impresses with robust simplicity. These answers to frequently asked questions shed light on all relevant details surrounding the decorative Festuca cinerea.

Plant blue winglet properly

Pulled in the container, you can plant blue winglets throughout the growing season, as long as it does not freeze. Pick up small pits at a distance of 20 cm in a sunny spot. It is beneficial for the rooting, if you enrich the excavation with compost or Lauberde. The addition of sand and fine grit improves the permeability in case of doubt. Only place the ornamental grass deep enough so that the base is just above the surface. In the end, pour and mulch with pebbles or grit.
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care Tips

The following care program provides the convincing proof, why Blauschwingel is the ideal perennial for the easy-care garden:

Winter protection is not necessary for outdoor plants as Festuca cinerea is completely hardy. In the pot, a slight winter protection still makes sense, so that the root ball does not freeze due to the exposed position. To do this, cover the vessel with jute or foil and push a block of wood under it.
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Which location is suitable?

In the sunny location, the colorful splendor of the blue wing keeps what the name promises. Of course, if you cultivate the ornamental grass in the semi-shade, the stems, which were previously still blue, will turn green over time. An advantage for a decorative winter time is a sheltered and warm space. Under these conditions, the sweet grass graces the otherwise empty garden with its spherical grass until spring.
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Which soil does the plant need?

In sandy-loamy and moderately-dry soil, the blue vibula achieves its optimum. Avoid moist locations when selecting the location, because ornamental grass does not live up to expectations here. The barren conditions in the rock garden or Heidebeet are perfectly suited to the wishes of the popular perennial.
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When is flowering time?

In June and July, the yellowish-brown panicle flowers rise above the blue stalks. At this time, the ornamental grass reaches its maximum height of 25-30 cm. Cut the withered stems to the head of grass to maintain the harmonious, semi-spherical silhouette throughout the winter.
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Cut blue winglet correctly

Blue winged is hardy and wintergreen. Cut only the withered panicle flowers in the autumn, to enjoy the exceptionally shaped, blue-blue ornamental grass during the cold season. In early spring, cut off the then collected grass near the ground. If there is already a fresh sprout, simply comb out the withered stems with your hands.
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Pour blue wingel

Under normal weather conditions, a blue winglet is content with the rainfall. Only water the ornamental grass in case of prolonged dryness. Please note that the perennial wet feet may not like it. Therefore, let the water from the jaw spout slowly run onto the root ball to recognize in time, when no more moisture is absorbed.
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Fertilize blue winglet properly

Only in a dry, dry soil does a festuca cinerea lay its steel-blue leaves. Additional nutrients are out of place here. Only in the narrowly defined substrate volume of a bucket we recommend a start fertilization in the spring in the form of liquid fertilizer, vegetable manure or worm tea. However, this only applies if you have not recently replanted the ornamental grass in pre-fertilized soil.
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Blue winglet is completely hardy. Even the freezing frost does not impress the ornamental grass. In the field, therefore, no provision must be made. Meanwhile, the blue grass in the pot in scene, the root ball behind the rather thin vessel walls is vulnerable.So wrap a bucket with napkin or jute tape and place it on a wooden block.
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Multiply blue winglet

The division of the root ball has emerged as an unbeatably simple method of propagation. To do this, dig out the pruned horst in March / April, as long as the soil is completely thawed. Place the root ball on a firm surface to cut it 2 or more segments. As long as a section has at least 3-4 leaves, the potential for the adult blue winglet rests in it. It is important to note that you place the pieces just as deep in the ground as before.
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Blue winglet in the pot

They are pretty to look at in the pot and accompany other perennials, which also require lean, dry conditions. Use lean cactus, unit or pique soil as substrate and mix sand or fine grit. Drainage of pebbles or potsherds prevents waterlogging on the bottom of the pot. Pour blue cucumber in the pot only when the substrate is well dried. At the start of the season, you are giving a liquid fertilizer to stimulate growth. The withered panicle flowers are cut off in autumn, as they affect the visual appearance. Cut off the grass itself in March or comb the withered stalks with your fingers. Before the first frost, the pot receives a winter coat of jute or bubble wrap. Furthermore, a wooden or styrofoam mat is useful.
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Is blue winglet poisonous?

Blue winglet contains no health-threatening substances. The ornamental grass is therefore unconditionally suitable for the family garden. Should your nasewise cat or curious dog nibble on the stalks, this is no cause for alarm.
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