Fertilize coniferous trees - Appropriate means and their application

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 20 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Conifers usually do not need to be fertilized

Fertilize coniferous trees - Appropriate means and their application

Fertilizing a conifer or a hedge should be done with a sense of proportion. Coniferous trees are very sensitive not only to a lack of nutrients, but also tolerate no over-fertilization. For this reason, first of all, a professional soil sample should be carried out before reaching for the fertilizer.

Before fertilization is the soil sample

Sometimes the conifer turns brown and its needles indicate that it lacks nutrients, often magnesium. But just as often, there can be another cause behind it, which is why needle loss can not always be stopped with the addition of Epsom salt or lime. However, a professional soil sample can provide clarity, at least in this respect, and you will receive a disaggregated fertilizer recommendation. You send such a soil sample to either state or private soil inspection agencies. The former are usually subordinate to the agricultural chambers. If you suspect that the soil is too acidic, a simple pH test from the pharmacy helps - and then, if the suspicion has been confirmed, a fertilizer with lime.

Fertilize conifers - That's how it works

For the fertilization of coniferous trees the most different fertilizers are available. However, conifer trees in the garden only need fertilizer if the soil-testing institute actually recommends this. Many garden soils today are rather over-fertilized instead of undersupplied, which is why fertilization in planted trees or hedges is often not completely necessary. Only with conifers in the pot you should fertilize regularly, because they can not provide themselves.

planting fertilization

As a rule, always a good idea is the so-called plant fertilization, in which you add ripe compost and horn shavings or horn meal to the excavation. This start-up fertilizer often improves to dense / lean soils, loosens them up and helps the plant to grow.

Special conifer fertilizer

So-called conifer or pine fertilizer has proven itself in the supply of both planted and potted conifers. The commercial agent is tailored to the needs of conifers and can of course also be used for hedges. However, fertilization should only take place between March and the end of July so that young shoots can mature before winter. If, on the other hand, the fertilizer is fertilized too long, the trees keep on forming new shoots that freeze in the winter.

Epsom salt

This is a special magnesium fertilizer, which may only be administered in case of a proven deficiency. Yellow or brown needles rarely indicate magnesium deficiency - as a result of overdose, potassium deficiency often occurs, which in turn causes brown needles.


For potted plants especially liquid fertilizers are very good, which are administered with the irrigation water. So they get to the roots quickly.