Worth knowing about the sowing of carrots

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Worth knowing about the sowing of carrots

Carrots are one of the vegetables that are very grateful and uncomplicated to gardeners. If you pay attention to some basic things when sowing carrots, nothing will get in the way of a rich carrot harvest later.

Early article Grow different varieties of carrots Next article Carrots fertilize properly and balanced

The choice of the right seed

As with all plants, the carrots with the seed are already determined many factors of later growth. If possible, select fresh seed for a good germination rate and sow this in loose rows about 20 cm apart. You can also use pilled seeds to help you maintain the proper plant spacing and save you from later thinning.

Early and late varieties

There are many varieties of carrots, each with its own characteristics. Thus, early varieties with a maturing period from May are particularly well suited for fresh consumption directly after harvest. Late varieties, however, have better characteristics for storage after the carrot season.

Important for sowing carrots

All carrots of different varieties and colors have in common that a preculture and a subsequent pecking of the plantlets are not really worthwhile. So you save a lot of work, if you do the sowing directly in the field or in the cold frame. Mark the carrot rows for better visibility while also sowing some radishes

Radishes and carrots from a row harvest

It is an old trick to sow radishes together with carrots. Since carrot seeds need about 14 days to germinate, the rows are visible much faster to sprouting weeds with the radish seedlings. If the radishes are then harvested after about four weeks, the space between the carrot plants becomes free for the growth of their main roots.

Spiked sowing for a long harvest season

Carrots can sometimes be harvested already in May during a sowing in March, whereby these carrots such as bunched carrots still have a rather thin main root. When sowing at monthly intervals, summer carrots can be harvested continuously between May and November and consumed fresh. Winter carrots for storage should be sown at the latest in June in order to reach a storable size until the first frost.

Tips & Tricks

Be quiet when thinning excess plants from the ranks of the awake carrots. This ensures sufficient space for each root of the carrot, avoiding the growth of vegetation and a disappointing harvest. Summer carrots should be 5 cm apart, while winter carrots need to be up to 10 cm apart.