The blossom of mimosa

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
MIMOSA - last blossom (2009) [Full EP]
Video: MIMOSA - last blossom (2009) [Full EP]


The mimosa bears very distinctive flowers

The blossom of mimosa

Mimosa not only carry very interesting foliage, which folds when touched. The flowers are also very decorative. What do the flowers look like and when does the mimosa flower in the room?

When is the heyday of mimosa?

The flowering season of mimosa begins in May and can last until September with good care.

Flower color and appearance of the flower

The flowers of mimosa have a pink-purple color. They are spherical and resemble a dandelion a little. The size of the flower can reach eight to ten millimeters in diameter.

Do not choose pots too big

For a mimosa to develop lots of flowers, you should give it enough room for the roots, but the pot must not be too big. Only when the roots feel a limitation, the plant carries very many and beautiful flowers.

If you have bought a mimosa in a pot, you should repot it immediately. Preferred mimosa are usually sold in too narrow planters.

Harvest seeds of mimosa blossoms

In indoor culture, a mimosa will produce barely germinable seeds. Mimosas may also be brought outside in the summer. There, the flowers are fertilized by insects.

If you want to harvest seeds from the mimosa for propagation, leave the flowers on the shrub until they are dry. Then pick them and store the seeds dry until spring. Then you can sow them.


Not only the leaves, but also the flowers and seeds of mimosa are poisonous. Therefore, be careful when small children and animals live in the house. In this case, you should do without mimosas for safety's sake.