Horseradish in your own garden

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Foraging Horseradish And Making Horseradish Sauce
Video: Foraging Horseradish And Making Horseradish Sauce


Horseradish in your own garden

The root of horseradish serves a variety of purposes in the kitchen and natural medicine. Since it originated from southern Europe, it usually comes in this country until the harvest of the roots is not sufficient seed production.

Next article Dry horseradish after harvesting

Keeping the side roots for the next season

Even in commercial cultivation, the side roots, which are called Fechser, are cut diagonally when the horseradish is harvested and stored in damp sand over the winter. In spring, they can be planted in the ground for a new growing season.

Tips & Tricks

Be sure to mark the direction of growth using the cutting direction on the fencers. Only with a correct vertical arrangement, these can grow optimally.