How to properly cut a medinilla magnifica

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 4 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Rare plants Medenilla magnifica, propagation cutting methods tutorials,easy and effective ways.
Video: Rare plants Medenilla magnifica, propagation cutting methods tutorials,easy and effective ways.


The Medinille can be cut back after flowering

How to properly cut a medinilla magnifica

Basically, you do not have to cut a medinilla magnifica at all. However, some experts recommend an annual pruning, as this should increase the flowering ability. When do you best cut the non-toxic Medinille and what do you have to keep in mind?

Early article Preventing brown leaves on the medinilla magnifica

When do you best cut a medinilla magnifica?

The best time to prune back a Medinilla magnifica is right after flowering. Then there is no risk that you remove inflorescences already created for the next year.

If you cut back on the Medinille in the spring, be careful not to remove too many new shoots.

The flowers should be cut off as soon as they have flowered. By this care measure you extend the flowering period. The flower panicles are cut with a sharp, clean knife directly on the stem.

How to shorten the Medinilla magnifica correctly

When pruning after flowering, trim all long shoots by cutting them back in half. Even very knotty branches are removed.

Cutting cuttings in spring

Caring for a medinilla magnifica is quite difficult. The simpler, however, is their propagation via cuttings. For this purpose, cut in the spring head cuttings with a length of seven to ten centimeters. The lower leaves are picked off.

Insert the drive pieces into prepared pots. As a growing substrate is a mixture of sand and peat or Anzuchterde.

The soil must be equally moist but not too wet. Put a plastic bag over the shelf. These should be aired once a day so that no mold develops. In a very warm, bright location the cuttings are rooted quickly and can then be maintained like an adult plant.

Pay attention to cleanliness when cutting!

The Medinille is very susceptible to fungal diseases. Therefore, work with clean knives or garden shears. It is best to disinfect them beforehand so as not to transmit germs.

All cuts must be made as smoothly as possible. Therefore, only sharp cutting tools should be used.


The roots of the Medinille are very sensitive and break easily. When repotting, you must be very careful, so that the plant survives the move well.