Known diseases of the sequoia

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Drones Are Monitoring California’s Sequoia Trees
Video: Drones Are Monitoring California’s Sequoia Trees


Instinctual dying also occurs in redwoods

Known diseases of the sequoia

A sequoia is something very special and not infrequently the pride of its owner. Sudden symptoms of illness, the concern is great. Often the wrong care is to blame. How to avoid mistakes, recognize diseases and what to do to combat them or prevent them even better is described in this article.

Propaganda of the Sequoia - the most common disease of the Sequoia

The sequoia has a very robust bark that even protects it from forest fires. However, the giant is not resistant to Botryosphaeria dothidea, a fungus that causes motor dying. The treachery of the pest is that it appears only months later. But you can see signs of the disease much sooner.


The instinctual death caused by Botryosphaeria dothidea manifests itself as follows:

NOTE: Do not confuse the brown color of the needles with the seasons of dropping the leaves. Only in the evergreen coastal sequoia is the discoloration a clear sign of disease.


Heavy heat and low water make the sequoia prone to pests. Inadequate irrigation or incorrect site selection are common care mistakes. In case of waterlogging, however, it comes to root rot.


If you notice these symptoms on your redwood, you should act quickly before the fungus penetrates inside. In this case, it helps to remove already brown shoots.


Botryosphaeria dothidea penetrates through wounds in the bark into the trunk of the sequoia. If you notice any injuries, you should seal them with foil. Be sure to keep the floor moist at all times. Especially in summer, it is necessary to water the Sequoia several times a day. Against waterlogging a drainage helps.