What helps against yellow leaves in the laurel cherry?

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 2 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
Skip Laurels     Some Leaves Turning Yellow
Video: Skip Laurels Some Leaves Turning Yellow


What helps against yellow leaves in the laurel cherry?

Yellow discolorations are common in cherry laurel. However, they usually signal no serious disease of the plant, but are rather an optical problem. Some easy to implement care measures provide rapid relief and provide strong dark green foliage.

Wrong location or poor ground conditions

First, you should take a closer look at the location of the laurel cherry. Although the wood is relatively undemanding, it prefers a sunny to partially shaded garden square and well drained, humus soil. On full-day shading, the wood often reacts with a yellowing of the leaves, since the photosynthesis proceeds under these conditions slowed down.

Due to heavily compacted and leached soils, the laurel cherry can no longer absorb enough nutrients and the foliage turns yellow. Remedy this as follows:

Sunburn on the leaves

Also too much sun leads to yellow leaf changes. Maybe you felled a tree that used to shade the laurel cherry, or the cherry laurel grew in the shade before replanting. The shrub was therefore less exposed to UV radiation and now reacts sensitively to the sun. Give the plant some time to adjust to the changed conditions. After a few weeks of adaptation, the yellow leaves disappear by themselves.

Waterlogging or lack of irrigation

Evergreen shrubs such as the cherry laurel are very sensitive to prolonged periods of dry or rainy weather. Loosen up the soil if the laurel cherry should be stunned and provide the plant with sufficient water during prolonged dry periods. Even on frost-free days in winter, the cherry laurel must be poured, as the woodland evaporates much moisture over the leaf surface.

Tips & Tricks

Freshly transplanted or used plants often react to the change of location with yellow leaves. Give the cherry laurel a few weeks to get used to it. Most of the yellowing of the foliage disappears by itself.