Cutting cherry tree fruitfully - tutorial with all instructions

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Details About Kwanzan Cherry Trees - Double Pink Flowers
Video: Details About Kwanzan Cherry Trees - Double Pink Flowers


Cherry trees are raised and rejuvenated in winter

Cutting cherry tree fruitfully - tutorial with all instructions

The culinary delight of fresh picked cherries is reserved for gardeners who own a cherry tree. Sweet cherries grow up to imposing trees, are sensitive to cut and even bear juicy fruits even on old wood. This requires a well-planned cutting care from education to conservation to rejuvenation. In this tutorial you can read all the editing instructions. How to cut your cherry tree properly.

Cutting types and dates

The sweet cherry takes one among all the fruit trees special position on. Flowers appear on short, annual and biennial shoots. Furthermore, older shoots carry valuable fruit wood, richly garnished with numerous flower buds, which is referred to in the jargon as Buketttrieb. With a well exposed round crown educated cherry trees along their Leitäste deep into the interior of the crown with fruit wood occupied. This unique growth behavior is accompanied by a pronounced sensitivity to cutting. Apart from the educational phase, a cherry tree should be blended at intervals of 3 or 4 years. All types of cuts with the best dates summarizes the following overview:

Parenting forms productive crown

In the first few years, the cut care on the cherry tree aims at the education of a perfectly shaped crown. On majestic sweet cherries, the crown structure extends over six to eight years. A space-saving spindle tree benefits from a careful crown construction in the first three to four years. Thus, the education of a sweet cherry succeeds exemplary:

Before cutting away a steeply uphill runner, test his Fitness to the fruit wood, A green shoot is still flexible. If he is in a favorable position on the crown framework, bind the young branch in the advantageous inclined position. Splayed at an angle of about 60 °, the juice pressure is reduced, the growth calms down and the first flower buds thrive. To spread, you can fix the shoot with cord on his leader. On the spindle tree, you simply direct the growth to the ideal position with clothes pegs. Furthermore, the specialist stores special Spreizhölzer ready.

In the first 4 to 8 years, you raise a high-yielding crown on the cherry tree. The perfect framework consists of a central drive and three evenly distributed guide branches. Starting from the point, the middle forms an angle of 120 ° with the side branches.


Cutting time affects growth

An old farmer's wisdom is still valid today: "If you want to see a cherry tree cut, cut it in the summer. If you want to see your cherry tree grow, cut it in winter. "If you have not been able to convince yourself in practice of the evidential value, you will receive confirmation from a botanical-scientific point of view. In early spring, the tree spills most of its reserves, which are transported at high pressure in the direction of the tip buds. This results in a strong growth spurt. The further the season progresses, the more the juice pressure decreases and the growth is reduced to a minimum. It follows that whoever wants to stimulate growth, cuts when the juice pressure is strongest. In order to calm growth and increase fertility, summer is the best time for a cut.

Cut into 4-year intervals - Instructions Conservation section

With the beginning of the yield phase, the cherry tree is the cutting care from education to conservation. Sweet cherries are already blooming and fruiting on annual, unbranched shoots that are shorter than 10 centimeters. As illustrated below, there are flower buds at the stem. Biennial, slightly branched shoots are richly garnished with flower buds along the entire length. Three-year-old and older branches also boast numerous flower buds in spring. In combination with a pronounced sensitivity to cutting, a cherry tree undergoes a maintenance cut every three to four years on the care program. How to properly complete the conservation cut of sweet cherries:


From the cut sparsely arranged, short shoots with numerous flower buds are spared. The so-called bouquet shoots are extremely fertile and will give you a rich fruit hanging next year. After a professional conservation cut, the crown of your cherry tree looks empty-swept. This is not an indication of a wrong approach. Already next summer, the Kronengerüst presents itself loose, flooded with light and carries a large number of juicy-sweet cherries.

The focus of the conservation cut is the valuable fruit wood. Where there are roundish flower buds, a cherry tree is not cut. Dead wood, steep and unfavorable shoots with pointed leaf buds.

Deriving is better than shortening

Characteristic of sweet cherries is that they react at an early age to the loss of their shoot tips with unfavorable whorls. In the process, dormant eyes are flooded with thick clumps that shade valuable fruit and flower buds. You can prevent the undesirable reaction by already using the derivation section a simple pruning prefer, Here, a leading branch is deflected to a lower side shoot to obtain a light-flooded crown. This is how the perfect derivation cut in the cherry tree succeeds:

With a derivative you also go against Zwiesel in front. So be in gardening language V-shaped forks referred to, which permanently make the cherry tree unstable. Be sure to look for the shoot doublets on young sweet cherries to remove one of them in a timely manner using the lead on the better positioned shoot. If a Zwiesel thrives as a vertical competitor to the central drive, it should be completely removed.


If a cherry tree bears shadow morels and similar juicy-sour fruits, other cutting rules apply. Here is the richest fruit wood on long, last year's shoots, so that an annual, powerful pruning makes sense. For this reason, a separate tutorial is dedicated to the cut of sour cherries.

Rejuvenate old cherry tree step by step - that's how it works

Have you prescribed a makeover for an old, uncut Cherry tree? Then please proceed step by step. Instead of exposing the old crown in one go, spread the measure over two to three years. The sensitivity to cutting makes it necessary that you do not saw off thick, dead shoots on Astring. It is more gentle with a cut on cones. The following procedure has worked well in garden practice to revitalize an old sweet cherry:

The transition from the rejuvenation to the conservation cut is fluid. If your cherry tree responds well to the first stage, carry out a first conservation measure in the rejuvenated crown area in the summer after the harvest. If all regions of the crown are rejuvenated after three years at the latest, the cut care will be reduced to a summer maintenance cut every three to four years, as explained in this tutorial.

To rejuvenate a faded cherry tree crown, cut off deadwood at the beginning to ten to 20 cm long cones. Only after 1 to 2 years, the pins are removed on Astring. Overhanging scaffolding drives make you lean towards internally positioned side drives.

Saw thick branches in stages on pegs

If you are forced to remove a 10-centimeter thick branch from the crown, follow these steps:

The remaining cones can be removed after one to two years. As a rule, vertical and flat shoots drive out of a pin. Leave one or two of the most promising, horizontal candidates standing. There are good prospects that it will develop valuable fruit wood. All remaining young shoots as well as the remains of the dried-on pin are removed.


Make a rejuvenation cut in the winter

The best time for the rejuvenation cut on the cherry tree is discussed controversially among experts. Numerous sources recommend an appointment in the summer, because the radical cut is more tolerable for a sweet cherry. Responsible fruit gardeners ignore the recommendation and cut out of respect for nature and federal nature conservation law in late winter. In the dense foliage of mighty cherry trees nest birds in the summer time. A rejuvenation cut could fall victim to inhabited nests. Paragraph 39 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act lends weight to the reservations and prohibits cutting measures between 1 March and 30 September, which go beyond a care cut.

Tips on tools and accessories

The key to success in cherry tree cutting is a combination of the right course of action and relevant equipment. The following basic equipment is obligatory to confiscate a sweet cherry safely and expertly:

Modern pruning shears with a telescopic handle enable a cut to a dizzying height of 4 meters, which makes daring climbing in the mighty cherry tree superfluous. With an innovative cutting giraffe you cut branches up to a height of 6 meters precisely and safely. When buying cutting tools and accessories, pay attention to a high quality brand. This facilitates the cutting work, leaves behind smooth cuts and optimizes the security for gardeners and cherry trees alike.

frequently asked Questions

For cost reasons, I have decided to buy two cherry trees as bare root goods. Should I subject the young trees to a planting?

On rootless trees the planting section guarantees a good start and paves the way for the best possible education. For the crown framework, choose the most powerful shoot as the trunk extension. Around the central drive should be evenly distributed three to four Leitäste, which are at an ideal angle of 45 ° to 60 ° to the central drive. Too steep branches are splayed. Too low shoots tied up. The leaders cut back by a third. After cutting, the tip buds of the leaders should be at the same level, in the so-called juice scale. The middle drive towers over the leading drives, so that a thought triangle forms with an angular position of 90 to 120 °.

I would like to plant a cherry tree under whose crown I can still maneuver with the lawnmower. How are the stem heights different from tree nurseries?

In young cherry trees, nurseries differ in bushwood or quarter trunk at 40 to 60 cm. Half-stems reach a height of 120 cm. High trunks have a height of 200 cm. This trunk height usually does not change. An exception applies in the event that the gardener cuts the crown and locks the trunk. Bush trees just allow the mower to be mowed with the hand mower. Under a half-trunk, the lawn cut with the ride-on mower is worth a try. No difficulties in freedom of movement exist under a high trunk.

Our cherry tree was planted 2 years ago. When would be the best time to cut the tree?

The sweet cherry fruit on the biennial or perennial wood. An adult cherry tree should be pruned, especially in summer, immediately after harvest. This cutting time promotes the formation of fruit buds. In a young, only two-year-old tree, however, we recommend a cut in the spring, parallel to the budding beginning. At the earliest in the third year, first short shoots with flowers form. From this point onwards, if necessary, subject the cherry tree to a summer pruning to calm growth and promote fruit wood.

One year ago we planted a sweet cherry tree as a bush, which has carried a sparse 7 flowers this year. What can I do to increase the number of flowers?

The number of flowers is completely normal and even positive. Young cherry trees focus on rooting and growth in the first few years. Please be patient for a while. Over the next few years, more and more flowers will thrive, parallel to the larger growth. A complementary nutrient supply from the second year in the form of compost and horn shavings or organic fruit tree fertilizer is advantageous.

I would like to plant two to three cherry trees in the garden. From what year can I expect the first harvest?

A cherry tree with a medium to weak growth base bears the first fruits on average after 3 to 6 years.Significant influence on the beginning of the income phase take a sunny location and a knowledgeable education with light-flooded crown and horizontal fruit wood.

There are three cherry trees in my garden, which my predecessor set way too closely four years ago. The trunk height is 100 to 120 centimeters. Is it possible to replant such big sweet cherries? If so, what should be considered?

Within the first five years of life transplanting of cherry trees is still possible. The best time is autumn after the fall of leaves. Pierce the root disc with a sharp spade in as large a radius as possible. The more roots move with the tree to the new location, the more promising the procedure goes. Since a large proportion of root mass is lost as a result of deforestation, you subject the cherry trees to a corresponding pruning. Adequate water and nutrient supply is important for rooting trees quickly and vigorously.

The 3 most common cut defects

If a cherry tree is characterized by a dense network of barren shoots, massive growth of dense turbinates and large, non-healing cuts, the horticulturist has made typical cuts. The following overview draws attention to the three most common mistakes in the cut care of sweet cherries and gives tips for a skilful prevention:


If a cherry tree bears no fruit, the crux is usually the missing pollinator. With few exceptions, sweet cherries rely on a second variety in close proximity. Since not all types of cherry pollinate each other, please ask when purchasing in the nursery of your trust, exactly what combinations are suitable.