One of the biggest gifts of the lime tree: the flower

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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From lime blossom delicious tea can brew

One of the biggest gifts of the lime tree: the flower

The flower is certainly - apart from the friendly, shady leafy crown - something very valuable on the linden. And not just for us humans. Here is a brief overview and a small plea for the honey-scented nature.

Biology of linden blossom

Typical of the flowers of the linden tree is its long, narrow bract, which is later to carry the mature fruit for release through the air. Fused with this single bract is a stalk, on which several small, dainty, pale yellow flowers with many, fine dust leaflets spread. The altogether numerous blooms are formed in June, whereby the winter lime is approximately two weeks later than the Sommerlinde. However, it takes many years for a linden tree to flower first.

The flowers are an important reproductive column for the linden tree.Although it can propagate vegetatively over Cane rash or root brood, but the generative method on the flowers is still the central. The sweet, honey-like scent of the flowers also attracts numerous willing pollinators, especially bees, so that a high fertilization rate is achieved.

The characteristics of the linden blossom summarized again:

What the linden blossom gives us

In addition to the wonderful, sweet scent in early summer, we also benefit from the lime blossom. It is also versatile in culinary and medical terms. On the one hand, it can be used to brew a tasty, cold-relieving, antipyretic, sleep- and digestive-boosting tea. Linden flowers can also be used well for anti-inflammatory tinctures. In addition, the use as a flavoring agent is particularly sophisticated, for example in home-made jams or your own liquor sweets.