Plant lilies - not to be underestimated

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Get a PEACE LILY (Spathiphyllum) to Rebloom Again — Ep 193
Video: Get a PEACE LILY (Spathiphyllum) to Rebloom Again — Ep 193


Lilies should be planted in the spring

Plant lilies - not to be underestimated

Lilies are perennial and are often planted in garden beds, in tubs on the balcony or in pots in the room. But what should be considered when planting, so that the lilies become flowering specimens?

The best time to plant

Lilies should ideally be planted between March and May. At this time, they are usually available in the gardening market and in hardware stores as young plants and flower bulbs. To pull lilies from seeds is less recommended. Germination can take up to three years.

Location: bright and moderately warm

Before planting, the location should be fixed. Whether in the garden bed, on the balcony or in the living room, lilies love bright locations. But in the best case you should protect them from direct sunlight. Outside, places in partial shade are recommended. Inside, there are locations on the windowsill that are not directly facing south.

Plant onions

Before the onions are planted, a pases substrate should be chosen. Lilies - both in the pot and in the bed - need a substrate with the following characteristics:

To surrounding plants a minimum distance of 30 cm and to other lilies of 20 cm should be kept. Lilies are doing well next to perennials and beetroot and evergreen woody plants. Who wants to extend the flowering period, should buy several onions and use them at intervals of 5 days. Then they bloom in a row and not at the same time.

With a shovel a planting hole is dug. It should be 2 to 3 times as deep as the diameter of the onion. The earth can be enriched with humus in it. After putting onions and covering with earth, pour vigorously.

Will lilies be transplanted later?

Outside their growing season lilies tolerate transplanting well. This procedure should best be done in the fall between mid-October and mid-November. The onions are carefully dug out and put in another place.

Tips & Tricks

Immediately and up to 2 weeks after planting, watering is important so that the lilies can grow well. But not too much of a good thing! They do not tolerate waterlogging!