Plant Privet - What do you need to consider?

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 11 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Don’t Plant Privet
Video: Don’t Plant Privet


Privet likes sunny

Plant Privet - What do you need to consider?

Privet is a native shrub of the olive family. Because of its easy care and high resistance to diseases and pests, it is very often planted in the garden as a hedge or individual shrub. This is how you plant privet.

Which location needs privet?

The vast majority of privet species need a sunny to half shady location. Especially Gold-Privet has to get a lot of sun, otherwise the foliage will not retain the desired color.

How should the substrate be?

On a slightly nutritious soil, which is well permeable to water, every privet thrives. He is not very demanding. He just does not like waterlogging. But the earth should not be completely dry either.

Improve the substrate with compost and horn shavings before planting. Then you need to fertilize little later.

When is the best planting time?

You can plant privates all year round - of course only on frost-free days. Favorable are spring and early autumn, since then enough moisture in the soil is. Otherwise you will need to water the privet more frequently.

Which planting distance must be observed?

As a single shrub, the shallow root does not need much space. In the hedge a distance of 30 to 50 cm is recommended. The planting distance for a single shrub does not have to be more than one meter.

How do you increase privet?

Privet can be easily multiplied by:

Propagation via seeds is possible in principle, but is not recommended because of the long germination time.

When is the heyday?

The flowering period lasts from June to July. The shrub forms small white flower spikes, which smell very strong. They are a good source of food for butterflies, bumblebees and other insects.

When are the berries ripe?

The berries are ripe in autumn and hang on the bush for a very long time. They are liked by birds.

How venomous is privet?

The berries of the leaflet are slightly poisonous when consumed. Children should therefore be kept away from them.

Can privet be transplanted?

Since the roots do not reach very deep, privet can be transplanted quite well. However, very old shrubs should no longer be implemented.

Is privet compatible with other plants?

Privet is very well tolerated with other plants. It is therefore often used as an underplant for taller trees.

How hardy is Privet?

The native privet is hardy. Up to minus ten degrees do not matter to him. Older plants survive even lower temperatures.

Chinese Privet is not hardy and must be wintered frost-free.

In young plants and directly after planting, a slight winter protection is recommended by laying a mulch cover.


Most privet species do not get along well with pure shadow layers. An exception is Ligustrum ovalifolium, the oval-leaved privet, which also thrives in quite dark locations.