How does a maple tree grow? - Data on growth

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 23 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
A Lesson on Impermanence: A Year with the Maple Tree
Video: A Lesson on Impermanence: A Year with the Maple Tree


Ball maple grows up to 6 meters tall

How does a maple tree grow? - Data on growth

The profile indicates that the maple is the refined breed of maple. This note raises the question of growth. The following data will familiarize you with the proportional relationship between stem diameter, size growth, and crown volume.

Good facts about the growth of maple

These data are for an Acer platanoides globosum that does not undergo regular shape cutting. Furthermore, the figures are to be regarded as average values ​​under normal conditions only. Typical for the growth of the crown is a spherical shape in the youth, which flattened rapidly with increasing age.