So you freeze cress properly

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 2 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Tales of Eternia- EX Boss 5: Cless & Arche [NIND/Hardcore Mode]
Video: Tales of Eternia- EX Boss 5: Cless & Arche [NIND/Hardcore Mode]


So you freeze cress properly

Cress is such a fast-growing seasoning herb that it's hardly worth preserving it by freezing it. Only in an emergency, if you have seeded too much cress, you should keep the delicious herb in the freezer.

Early Cress is ready to be harvested after a short time

Cress freeze - only if absolutely necessary

Basically, it's not worth freezing cress. When sowing, be sure to plant only as much cress as you can consume. If the harvest is too generous, freezing is a stopgap.

Harvest the cress in the early morning, when the proportion of essential oils is highest. Avoid washing if possible. Crush the cress and put it in a freezer bag. Let it freeze well.

Frozen cress is not as aromatic as fresh herbs. It can even be quite bitter by freezing and is very mushy. At best, it can be used as soup herb.

Making herbal cubes

Cress herb cubes can be used in many ways in the kitchen to spice up quark dishes or refine soups.

Use a clean ice cube container.

Make cress butter and freeze
Cress butter can be used just like herbal butter for many dishes. You can also mix the cress with other herbs or add garlic.

Crush the cress with the blender. Melt the butter at very low temperatures so that it does not get too hot, just liquid.

Add the cress to the butter and stir until the mixture has cooled completely. Spread the cress butter on cling film, roll it up and let it freeze in the freezer.

Tips & Tricks

An alternative to freezing is preserving in oil. For this, you harvest fresh cress and put the stems as a whole in a taste-neutral oil such as rapeseed oil. The cress keeps itself in oil for several months. The aroma is transferred to the oil and also the vitamins are not lost so much.