How to combat scale insects on orchids by natural means

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Q&A - How to deal with scale insect?
Video: Q&A - How to deal with scale insect?


With a solution of soft soap, alcohol and water, scale insects are effectively distributed

How to combat scale insects on orchids by natural means

Shield lice use their sophisticated suction and stinging apparatus to extract the sap from the leaves of an orchid. The 0.5 to 5 mm small females are masters of camouflage, because they hide themselves and their brood under a protective shield. You can read about how you can kill the pests.

Symptoms at a glance - How to get rid of scale insects

Although scientists distinguish scale insects from more than 4,000 species worldwide, signs of infestation are similar. This applies equally to cover tag lice and napfschildläuse as well as wool and mealybugs. If the following symptoms of an orchid come to light, you are dealing with scale insects:

As a result of an explosion of scale insects, the orchid slowly dies, discarding the buds and flowers first, followed by all the leaves.

Every organic louse shudders at these ecological means

If leaf shedding has already started as a result of scale insects, even high-quality chemical insecticides seldom achieve a successful control result. On the other hand, if you locate the lice at an early stage, you can save the affected orchid with these natural remedies:

The waxy shield of cupids and lids can only penetrate high-percentage alcohol. The lice and lice attributed to the scale insects are also at the collar with a broth of tansy or vermouth. Furthermore, you can achieve good results with diatomaceous earth, since the powder of sedimentary rock dries out the insects.


By the way of a new purchase the shield lice arrive very often in a lovingly cultivated orchid collection. Therefore, subject every orchid already in the store to a detailed examination for a pest infestation. Experienced hobby gardeners therefore always have a magnifying glass handy when you go on an orchid shopping tour.