Grow lettuce on the balcony

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Grow Organic Lettuce in Containers on Balcony
Video: Grow Organic Lettuce in Containers on Balcony


Lettuce needs sun and space on the balcony

Grow lettuce on the balcony

Lettuce is a frugal, fast-growing vegetable that does not just thrive in the garden bed. It can also be grown in the pot on the balcony. Learn more about how to plant and care for your lettuce on the balcony and how to harvest it.

The right location for the lettuce on the balcony

Lettuce needs as much sun as possible. Therefore, choose a sunny, wind-protected location. With regard to the planter, lettuce is not very demanding: it does not root deeply and needs about 25 cm2 of space to form its beautiful, round head. Make sure the planter has drainage to prevent waterlogging.

The most important thing about sowing at a glance:

Here is a detailed guide to sowing lettuce in a pot.

Maintain lettuce on the balcony

Lettuce needs to be watered regularly, especially on dry, hot days. Fertilization is usually superfluous because the nutrients present in the soil are sufficient for the short development time. Snails and other creatures like lettuce almost as much as you do. If you have problems with such insects on your balcony, you can protect the salad with snails or the like. Even diseases such as mildew or salad blight can attack him. Here's how to do it. Especially weakened lettuce is attacked by pests and diseases. So if you care for it properly, there is less risk of it becoming ill or being haunted by insects.

Harvest lettuce on the balcony

Lettuce can be harvested once it reaches the desired size. The ideal harvest date is 60 to 120 days after sowing, depending on the variety. But you can also continuously harvest your lettuce by removing only the outer leaves. As soon as the lettuce starts to form a flower, it should be completely harvested, or you let it bloom and use the seeds for propagation.


Seed a seed lettuce every one week in an elongated balcony box. Keep a distance of 25cm between each plant. So you can harvest a fresh head of lettuce two to three months later every week.