Cherry tomatoes plant in the hobby garden - a guide

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Grow Tomatoes | Cherry Tomatoes
Video: How To Grow Tomatoes | Cherry Tomatoes


Cherry tomatoes plant in the hobby garden - a guide

Cherry tomatoes thrive in the bucket, in the bed and even in the hanging beam. Planted correctly, they turn into small aroma miracles. The following guideline shows in a practical way how it works in the hobby garden.

When is planting time for cherry tomatoes?

The self-preferred or commercially purchased seedlings tolerate the local weather conditions from mid-May. Given a temperature minimum of 13-15 degrees Celsius, it is the tropical cherry tomatoes until then simply simply too cold in the local regions.

How should the location be?

In the cultivation of cherry tomatoes, the right location is a key factor. So it should be:

A greenhouse, the conservatory or a covered balcony offer the mini-tomatoes thus an excellent environment, because here the dreaded cabbage leaves little attack points.

In which soil do cherry tomatoes thrive especially well?

The large family of tomato plants consists exclusively of heavy eaters. This attribute indicates a great hunger for nutrients. In this earth, cherry tomatoes do not have to starve:

Since cherry tomatoes are cultivated in the bucket, a good quality vegetable or potting soil based on compost is recommended as a substrate.

How are cherry tomatoes properly planted?

In the bed or greenhouse, the soil is deeply broken up to enrich it with compost and horn shavings. The planting pit is twice as large as the root ball. In the pot prevents drainage of dangerous waterlogging. The seedlings put them down to the cotyledons in the soil. The ideal planting distance is 60-80 centimeters. Finally, pour well and mulch with compost, nettle leaves or straw.

Do cherry tomatoes have to be supported?

Although cherry tomatoes thrive bushy, a trellis makes sense. Ideal are turned tomato sticks or a trellis. Here you attach the tendrils in the course of growth.

What should be considered regarding neighboring plants?

An immediate neighborhood to potatoes is absolutely to be avoided. In contrast, cherry tomatoes are very good with marigolds and tagetes, which at the same time keep fungal spores and pests from their necks.

Tips & Tricks

Cherry tomatoes always thrive in dense grapes. Harvest the entire panicle and leave the small fruit on the fruit stalk, then extended the shelf life for several days.