Successfully propagate basil through sowing and cuttings

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Propagating Basil: Grow an INFINITE Supply Forever
Video: Propagating Basil: Grow an INFINITE Supply Forever


Successfully propagate basil through sowing and cuttings

If the recipe book is full of Mediterranean dishes, a single basil plant will no longer meet the needs of these aromatic herbs. You can find out here how to obtain additional copies simply by multiplying them.

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Seed the seeds and sow them skillfully - that's how it works

Who wants to win the seeds by hand, allows the basil bloom. After the stems have faded, pick them off. Over a bowl, use your fingers to brush off the flower-seed mixture. It is then sifted until the black seeds are left. Keep seed dry and dark until sowing. In March / April proceed as follows:

Within 1-2 weeks, the seed leaves are prominent from the seed. The foil can now be removed. While the seedlings are kept slightly moist, they quickly reach a stature height of 5 centimeters. Pikiert in a potting sand mixture, the plantlets are strong enough to mid-May to be planted in the bed or the pot.

Instructions for multiplication by cuttings

Every vital basil has the makings of a mother plant for 10, 20 or more new plants. Cut the desired number of shoot tips over a length of 10 to 15 centimeters. Put the cut just above a Blattachsel, drives the king cabbage here again busy. Follow these steps:

Plant a basil in each case down to the lower pair of leaves and pour generously.

Multiply purchased basil by division

Ready-made basil plants from the supermarket are penned in their pots so tightly together that they can squeeze their sails within a week. Smart hobby gardeners make a virtue of necessity and multiply the king's weed by division. That's how it's done:

Drainage on the bottom of the pot prevents harmful waterlogging. Alternatively, plant the cuts directly into the garden bed.

Tips & Tricks

Does the basil taste completely different from self-harvested seeds than the mother plant? Then it was one of the many varieties. In contrast to the wild basil, it is always a guessing game on seed of a variety, which properties of the parent plants will prevail. Experimenting hobby gardeners thus create their own personal basil variety.