How to multiply kiwis

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How to multiply kiwi tree.
Video: How to multiply kiwi tree.


How to multiply kiwis

The kiwi plants are propagated by offshoots, cuttings or seeds. Propagation by offshoot is simple and promising. It can take a long time to flower first in the seed-propagated plants.

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Propagation by sinkers

The new kiwi plants win a patient hobby gardener even from seeds or cuttings. The easiest, however, is the multiplication by the offshoots, more precisely by the so-called sinkers. These can be drawn from long shoots throughout the growing season. The procedure is as follows:

Propagation by cuttings

The cuttings of about 10-15 cm in length cut in early spring before budding or in late autumn (woody cuttings). In any case, the leaves are to be removed except for a few. The cuttings are placed in potting soil or in sand-peat mix, shaded and protected from the wind and evenly moist, but not kept too wet. If the cuttings are repelling, the rooting is complete.

Propagation by seeds

The kiwi seeds should be watered before sowing to free them from the pulp. The seeds are easily squeezed into the peat-containing soil (do not cover, as light germs!). Even warm temperatures and sufficient moisture promote germination. Possibly. A greenhouse or a cover made of transparent film are helpful. The germination time is 2-3 weeks. However, up to the first flowering period, a self-seeded kiwi plant may die for ten years or more. Another disadvantage: only with the bloom one recognizes, whether one has a male or a female plant.

Tips & Tricks

Make sure that the variety is not protected under commercial law in your own propagation experiments and therefore can not be furthered.