So it works with sowing the potatoes in the garden

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Plant Potatoes! 🥔🌿 // Garden Answer
Video: How to Plant Potatoes! 🥔🌿 // Garden Answer


So it works with sowing the potatoes in the garden

Even if it sounds confusing at first - potatoes are sown. Not with seeds from the bag. No, when sowing potatoes in the garden, seed potatoes are laid in furrows. Seed potatoes are about 3 cm large potatoes from whose germs the potato plant grows.

Get seed potatoes

You get seed potatoes in the garden center or over the garden dispatch. By pre-germination of the potatoes, about two to four weeks before sowing, you can accelerate the growth of tubers.

The sowing of the new potatoes starts from March. From mid-April to late May, medium-early and late potatoes are sown.

Prepare the bed

The bed for the potatoes is already being dug up in autumn. In spring, you grind the clods with a cultivator and rake the soil smooth. With the cultivator stem, you can cut about 10 cm deep furrows with a row spacing of at least 60 cm.

Sowing potatoes step by step

Do not forget to pile up!

Potatoes must be added. This protects not only from frost, but also from light and the formation of green spots by the poisonous Solanin.

The first piling is done immediately after sowing by harking earth over the furrow to a dam. Later, when the first shoots emerge, a new layer of earth is heaped over it.

Until the potatoes flower, repeat the accumulation every 2 weeks until the hill is about 30 cm high. Above all, if the dam is cleared by heavy rain, must be reapplied.

Tips & Tricks

A film tunnel protects especially new potatoes from frost. Positive side effect: under the film, the air heats up and promotes growth. Cheap foil tunnels are available as a kit in the garden trade.