Grow potatoes on the balcony - is it worth it?

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to Grow Potatoes in Pots | Balcony Gardening
Video: How to Grow Potatoes in Pots | Balcony Gardening


Grow potatoes on the balcony - is it worth it?

Imagine, you want to cook a delicious potato soup. But the potato stairs are empty, the supermarket is closed around the corner. How good that potatoes grow only a few steps away - in the old bucket on the balcony.

A place for potatoes

A classic potato roll with furrows and piled-up dams does not exactly make your balcony. But the potato itself does not care if it grows on a large potato field or in a bucket.

What they need to grow is earth, heat, water and nutrients. These conditions can be obtained almost everywhere: on the balcony, the roof garden or the sunny courtyard.

For planting all vessels with a capacity of at least 10 liters and a drain hole in the ground for the excess irrigation water are suitable. These can be plastic water buckets, black mason tacks, sturdy rice or jute sacks, wooden crates or a potato tower. Special, reusable plastic pouches are available from specialist retailers.

What else do you need

All types of potatoes are suitable for growing on the balcony, so you can grow what tastes and pleases by the look. For a bucket of 10 liters you need 1 - 2 seed potatoes. In larger vessels you use 3 - 4 potatoes.

How does the harvest turn out?

With a rich harvest is not expected on the balcony. The planter limits potato growth. But for some meals, the harvest is always enough. Per seed potato a yield of about 1kg potatoes is possible.

balcony jewelry

From potatoes on the balcony you benefit twice. While the tasty tubers grow down below, the flowers of the potato plant decorate your balcony above. Depending on the variety they bloom white to purple.


When growing potatoes on the balcony you should not focus on the yield, but the pleasure of gardening. Especially for city children, the cultivation of potatoes is always an experience.

Tips & Tricks

You can not get enough of the potato blossoms? Similar flowers have the related to the potato Jasmine nightshade (bot. Solanum Jasminoides), a balcony plant for sunny to half shady places and with high water demand. But beware: Like all nightshades, it is poisonous.