The care of Kalanchoe thyrsiflora

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to take care of Paddle leaf succulent | Kalanchoe Luciae care and repotting
Video: How to take care of Paddle leaf succulent | Kalanchoe Luciae care and repotting


The desert cabbage stores water for a long time

The care of Kalanchoe thyrsiflora

The thick-fleshed leaves of Kalanchoe thyrsiflora are remotely similar to those of some types of cabbage, which brought the attractive houseplants the German name of desert cabbage. If the plant gets enough light, the leaf margins and leaf surfaces turn deep red, which gives the succulent a very attractive appearance. The desert cabbage is a very unpretentious roommate, whose care also poses no special challenges to people without the proverbial green thumb.

How is poured?

The water requirement of this kalanchoe is very low, because it is able to store liquid in the thick leaves and to consume them for a while. You must always cast when the upper centimeters of the substrate feel dry after the thumb test. Tip away excess water in the coaster, because the succulent plant is very sensitive to waterlogging.

How is fertilized?

The desert cabbage is also very modest in this respect. It is sufficient to fertilize with a commercial liquid fertilizer every four weeks during the growing season.

When will I repackage?

Since this Kalanchoe grows relatively slowly, it usually only needs a larger planter every three years. You should repot at the latest when roots grow out of the drainage holes. The ideal time for this action is the spring.

When and will cut?

It is very rare to cut:

How is wintering?

You can either overwinter this succulent plant at a cool temperature of between ten and fifteen degrees or in living quarters at about twenty degrees. Keep the Kalanchoe Thyrsiflora even dryer in the winter than in the summer, pouring only sips.

Are vermin or diseases threatening?

The desert cabbage is very rarely attacked by pests or diseases.


If the desert cabbage is too dark, the leaves simply remain green. Therefore, always put the plant in a full sun.