Wild tomato varieties - tough, delicious in taste

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Wild tomato varieties - tough, delicious in taste

They are robust, disease resistant, undemanding and easy to grow. Wild tomatoes score with several advantages. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of the best varieties among the wild primal tomatoes.

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The best red wild varieties

Wild tomatoes grow to cherry size, thrive on the shrub and are best eaten fresh. Especially children love them because of the sweet taste. The following varieties have proven themselves:

Yellow varieties

They dangle like little golden pearls on the bush. Wild tomatoes with yellow fruits are very popular with hobby gardeners, because they are pretty to look at in the pot on the balcony and the terrace.

Tip for a long harvest time

Wild tomatoes branch much stronger than tomato tomatoes. Throughout the season, they are constantly producing new fruits, so fresh supplies are available throughout the summer. The harvest time can be extended if the plant is pulled out of the ground before the first frost. Hung upside down in the warm, dry cellar room, the small delicacies ripen rapidly.

Tips & Tricks

Wild tomatoes are the ideal varieties for beginners. Test your skills as a tomato gardener without much frills. Simply plant your favorite in a black masonry bucket from the hardware store and look after it on the sunny balcony.