How can I make my garden path myself?

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 2 August 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
Follow Lisa: Laying cement slabs to make a garden path - how to + results - concrete slabs for patio
Video: Follow Lisa: Laying cement slabs to make a garden path - how to + results - concrete slabs for patio


Garden paths should be well planned

How can I make my garden path myself?

Do-it-yourself is not only the wallpapering or renovation of the apartment announced, but increasingly in the garden design. In order to reduce costs or to express one's own individuality, more and more people are making their own, including the new garden path.

First step: the planning

Before you start working, you should plan where the new garden path is exactly and what purpose it should serve. Should it be paved or would you prefer a gravel road? Heavy traffic roads also need a solid foundation. Accordingly, you can calculate and get the required material.

Second step: the purchase

You can get material for a garden path, for example, in a hardware store or a garden center. A price comparison with different providers makes sense. If you want a cost-effective way, then take a look at so-called B-Ware. Frequently, the small defects that led to the price reduction, hardly or not at all.

For the transport you need at least a car, for larger quantities, a trailer is recommended. After all, paving stones or paving slabs are quite heavy. Maybe your DIY store will provide free or low priced, if you need a larger amount of building materials.

Third step: the implementation

Take enough time if you want to build your garden path yourself and also have a look at the weather forecast before. Paving should not be carried out in prolonged rainy weather. After excavating the path, place the curbs, preferably in a concrete foundation. This should dry for some time. Only then do you apply the base course.

So that your way has a long life, you should compact the base course well. A jogger is very helpful. Ask at your hardware store if you can borrow such a device there. Even the finished stone should be well tapped or shaken.

The essentials in brief:


You can make a garden path by yourself, but you should work carefully and be able to do a good job of paving.