Freezing breast milk - best baby food always at hand

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Frozen breast milk is stable for six months

Freezing breast milk - best baby food always at hand

Breastmilk is the best thing a little baby can eat. If the mum is nearby, the breastmilk is also available. But a seamless supply is not always possible. To satisfy the hunger nevertheless, some portions can be frozen.

Why freeze at all?

Only a mom can breastfeed her baby. A vial of mother's milk that had previously been frozen, however, can prepare anyone and thus satisfy the hunger of the baby. The mother does not have to be present at this feeding.

The baby does not necessarily have to be weaned during long maternal absences, and so will have his ideal food for a long time to come.

Health benefits are preserved

Breastmilk from the mom is always well tempered. This quickly raises the question of whether mother's milk in the ice-cold freezer loses quality. Here can be given an all-clear. Everything that makes breast milk so healthy for the baby remains largely intact even after freezing.

Thawed breast milk still surpasses the alternative baby food that is offered in stores.


If the pumped breast milk is consumed promptly, the refrigerator is the better storage location than the freezer. Here the milk remains unchanged.

Hygiene must be

Breast milk should always be pumped away under very hygienic conditions. Only in this way does the germ load remain low and the milk remains impeccable for longer. The manufacturers of the so-called breast milk pumps give clear instructions that should be followed.

Portioning and labeling

The pumped breast milk is frozen in portions. Only as much as needed for a meal. Portions around 50 grams have proven to be optimal. If required, several portions can be mixed together at any time.

Label all freezer containers with date, so you always have an overview. It is also useful to use the milk in the order of freezing.

Suitable containers

It is quite convenient to freeze the pumped breastmilk into vials that feed the baby. Pay attention to the following:

But it is also possible to use other clean freezer containers.

What else is to be considered

Breast milk is delicate frozen food, where everything should run optimally.


Frozen breast milk is stable for 6 months. Thawed breast milk can be refrigerated for 24 hours. In the indoor air, however, it should be consumed within two hours.

Thawing of breast milk

Breastmilk can be thawed well within 12 hours in the refrigerator. If it has to go faster, the container can also be kept under running water. However, it must not be hotter than 37 degrees Celsius.

Caution: Breast milk should never be thawed at room temperature. Also microwave and hot water are not suitable.

Shake thawed milk vigorously before use, so that the settled fat portions are evenly distributed again.