How are coffee plants multiplied?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 25 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
High Density 2022
Video: High Density 2022


The coffee plant is best multiplied by seeds

How are coffee plants multiplied?

The easy-care coffee plant can be multiplied quite well, but you need some time and patience. Only after a few years will your self-grown coffee plants blossom and bear fruit, the so-called coffee cherries.

Pull a coffee plant out of seeds

The seeds of the coffee plant are not germinable for very long, so they must be seeded quite fresh. If you already have a coffee plant that is already bearing fruit, then you can use your seeds well after a thorough cleanup. Otherwise, you will surely find it in well-stocked specialist retailers or special carriers.

The seeds germinate more easily when soaked in warm water for a few hours. Then, squeeze the seeds into pots with potting soil without spreading more soil over them. Keep your pots in a warm place and always keep the soil moist but not wet. Ideal are temperatures between 25 ° C and 30 ° C.

The propagation through cuttings

Cut out the best plant cuttings from your coffee plant for propagation. You can also use appropriate clippings from the last pruning, if this has just been done. The cuttings should be about eight to ten inches long and have some leaves.

It is best to place the cuttings individually in small pots with potting soil so that they do not have to separate the young plants with their sensitive roots. For these roots to form, your cuttings need a steady temperature of about 25 ° C and high humidity.

To ensure both, stretch a transparent foil over the pots or put them in a room greenhouse. Ventilate the cuttings daily for a few minutes to prevent mold from forming or rot the cuttings. However, no drafts may occur.

The essentials in brief:


For the cultivation of seeds or cuttings of the coffee plant a constant temperature and humidity is necessary. If this is not the case in your home, place the seed pots in a small greenhouse.