Make the right choice - St. John's wort site

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Make the right choice - St. John's wort site - Garden
Make the right choice - St. John's wort site - Garden


St. John's wort likes it sunny and dry

Make the right choice - St. John's wort site

Whether you sow it or grow it as a preferred plant - St. John's wort can be easily planted, cultivated and harvested. But only in a conducive location it will be something, with the cultivation success!

Sunny-warm and dry-poor

In a sunny and warm location in the garden, St. John's wort feels right at home. It can also thrive in partial shade. Only in the shade, it shows growth and bloom lazy.

The substrate requirements are usually easy to meet. St. John's wort wants a soil that ideally has the following characteristics:


When choosing the location, make sure you have enough space between the plants! The distance should be at least 15 cm and better 30 cm.